Tree Tabs
@kroppy Hello Knoppy,
Many thanks for your awesome work, the extension is of great quality! Indeed there is nothing I'm missing from the Firefox one, this is really appreciated given the amount of work you have put in it, it can be felt while using it.
I'm having an issue with a new installation: started fresh installing latest Vivaldi 2.2.1388.37 (Stable channel) (a 64 bit) and Tree Style Tabs 1.8.6 Vivaldi version.
Once I've set it up I have 2 issues:
- Major one is that disabling the "Show Groups toolbar on new Windows" will immediately turn the sidebar blank and nothing I do will restore it back to show the tabs, unless I uninstall the extension and re-add it again. I can reproduce it if needed!
- Second major is that if I avoid doing the above, but simply restart the browser it will remain on a "Starting up" blank sidebar, below some logs:
where: _generated_background_page.html
at: for (let loadedWin of LoadedWindows) {
error: TypeError: LoadedWindows is not iterable
Stack: background_vivaldi.js:37 (Object.callback)Thanks again for your amazing work!
Matteo -
@asdrubale88 Ciao Matteo, vedo che hai 1.8.6, ma il fix per questo è nella versione 1.8.9, che ho già caricato su google drive mercoledì scorso. Prova con quella e dimmi se il problema persiste. Intanto preparo 1.9, con un paio di altri fix per il "manager" delle sessioni, che migliora un po' performance, perciò scarica per adesso la 1.8.9, e poi dai un occhiata fra un paio di giorni (probabilmente a natale), magari sarà già pronta la 1.9.
Ti auguro buon Natale -
Hello @kroppy,
I have the newest version of the extension, 1.8.9 and I am still seeing the same errors after a restart of Vivaldi.
Edit: After completely uninstalling and reinstalling Vivaldi, the errors have gone away.
Edit again: Issue occurs if startup is set to anything but restore last session in Vivaldi settings.
If you don't use Vivaldi's session, try turning on in Tree Tabs Options "Discard tree structure after browser's restart, this option is for those who don't use browser's session. Basically it disables loading database at startup."
in Global section -
@kroppy After making this change and switching away from use last session, still gets stuck at starting up, and presents those same errors.
@Recnamoruen Ok, I think I found where the problem is. Can you check out the latest nightly? file name is: Tree Tabs
EDIT: Link,
Works perfectly, errors are gone, and seems to be the fastest I've seen it load since I've started using it. Thank you.
@Recnamoruen Good, I will upload stable soon
I'm making some touch-ups in manager's logic. In this nightly version, loading session unloads tabs too fast, killing them. I'm making a fix, I will upload it in few hours or if I can't make it tonight, tomorrow. -
One last question, is it possible to have the right click menu be able to leave the web panel, or is that an issue with Vivaldi itself? I have the menu cut off on one of my Vivaldi windows because it doesn't fit in the web panel completely.
@Recnamoruen Unfortunately not possible... Just like any other web page, can display its content only inside of the page. There is no API to make "native" menus. If you turn on debug in tree tabs options, you can see 2 menus, one made by me and other native one... I'm suppressing native menu from showing up, since it cannot be modified in any way.
@kroppy Ciao Kroppy!
Colpa mia: nello sfogliare i file su Google Drive mi proponeva in cima la 1.8.6, adesso sfogliando ho visto subito che hai già caricato la 1.9.1! Nel frattempo ho aggiornato il pc del lavoro, appena torno a casa provo ad aggiornare il portatile con la versione "scratch".
Complimenti ancora per l'estensione, è fatta davvero bene! E' stato un ottimo escamotage utilizzare il webpanel, alla fine nel 90% dei casi si comporta meglio di quella costruita per Firefox e che utilizza API del browser stesso.
Continuerò a seguire il progetto dato che senza questa estensione dubito utilizzerei Vivaldi
Buon lavoro, Buone feste e a presto
Matteo -
@asdrubale88 Io sono passato dalla vecchia Opera a Vivaldi, ma non mi era particolarmente piaciuto. Visto che avevo già questa estensione per la nuova opera (chropera), ho fatto la conversione per il WebPanel in Vivaldi
Comunque uso Firefox in alternanza, mi piace che posso creare le schede senza caricarle, caricare una sessione da un file è veramente una manciata di secondi. Molto comodo. Aspetto e spero che sarà possibile anche in Vivaldi... un giorno... Perché per adesso per caricare una sessione ci mette una vita ed e pieno di problemi, a volte devo caricare e poi "merge" di nuovo.Ho caricato la 1.9.2, dove ho aggiunto "double click on tab - make new child tab" invece di creare la scheda sotto quella attiva.
Buon anno -
@kroppy Personalmente salto spesso da un browser all'altro, alla ricerca di quello meno affamato in termini di risorse e più rapido. In questo momento mi trovo molto bene con Vivaldi ma uso comunque quotidianamente Firefox (anche se a volte mi fa un po' impazzire!).
Ho provato "double click on tab - make new child tab" e funziona alla grande, molto comodo anche perchè di solito per aprire un nuovo tab, oltre CTRL+T uso spesso il doppio click ma nello spazio vuoto. In questo modo posso avere due funzioni separate e logiche.
Grazie e buono sviluppo!
M. -
@kroppy For a heavy browsing user like me, it is really appreciated to using your great work. May I ask is it possible to sync the grouped tabs across multiple computers? I have used your extension in my desktop and laptop, the Vivaldi's sync seemed not to work with your grouped tabs. I think this should be a requested feature because Workona have done this in Chrome. Thanks again for your good job!
@kroppy I finally managed to capture some screen footage of the problem I've had for a long time where unloaded, inactive tabs would randomly be loaded when the current active tab is closed. I can reproduce this pretty easily, but of course, it's never 100% and I'm not sure why. Link below to a short movie showing a typical setup I have. A pinned tab, an 'active' tab with some content, and then a couple of folders with unloaded tabs. When I create a new tab by clicking in the blank area and then close that new tab, focus returns to the previous (active) tab, but one tab from a folder will always seem to get activated and load (and if this, for example, demands authentication, it hijacks the browser window too). Tabs loading inactive tab.mp4?dl=0
A request for making your extension really eye-candy:
Please add "-webkit-gradient" option to theme fields.Thanks!
A piece of my theme for Sidewise made with -webkit-gradient as example:
It uses fields like this:
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, rgb(32, 84, 86)), color-stop(1, rgba(15, 35, 45, 1))); -
Horizontal Groups Toolbar
I have always been frustrated by the vertical groups toolbar with sideways text. So I made it horizontal at the top below the pin toolbar.
Checkout my thread on the gitlab to explain how to get it. Reall simple css mods -
Very good extension.
Feature request
Can the behavior of "clicking a tab to jump back to the previous tab" (as per the vivaldi tab behavior is) be implemented on Tree Tabs?This would be a most welcomed behavior that would ease tabs navigation for users of this tab on all supported browsers.
This post is deleted! -
@VENIX Yes, make a
file with these contents:#panels .webpanel-stack .webpanel .webpanel-header { display: none }
and then link it in
by adding this line:<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/custom.css">
It will need to be done each time there is a vivaldi version update though.