What is stopping you from using V all the time?
@mau ...good example of synchronous replies...
I'm not going to stop using V on account of not being able to drag and drop bookmarks via the bookmarks bar.
Yeah, I forgot to mention I use the bookmarks bar.FYI, "I'm A Full Time Vivaldi User". And proud of it too.
Don't use it on battery. At the moment nothing competes with the energy efficiency of Safari, and I don't expect it to change anytime soon.
This is probably one of the biggest—sync. I have a lot of systems deployed, and I like being able to hop on into Google Chrome and pick up where I leave off on each one, with all my extensions and history in place.
That said, in Google Chrome I lament not having a functional history manager (grr Google... forcing me to re-search everything on your search engine) and not being able to select a specific search engine when right-clicking highlighted objects, which Chrome defaults to Google (again, grr!) Well, to be fair, if you change your default search engine, it'll change in the right-click menu as well...
Don't let me get Scroogled, Vivaldi...
Tumblr. Tumblr xkit doesn't seem to work anywhere but Chrome. The extension doesn't work on Vivaldi.
What stops me is the lack of the video pop out feature similar to Opera/Yandex browsers. I grew quite used to that.
Another more recent annoyance is graphical glitches on Macbook Pros from late 2013, which have been fixed in latest Chrome, but not in Vivaldi or Opera, yet. I am guessing this will be fixed once Chromium engine is updated in Vivaldi.
And another somewhat minor gripe I have is smudgy graphics on Retina displays, favicons look very ugly, but I guess I could live with that if my other big two complains were fixed.
@an_dz said in What is stopping you from using V all the time?:
The thing is that Vivaldi UI is a webpage and not compiled code, the way it works is far different from other Chromium browsers.
Thanks, I tested it with default settings here too and it took exactly 28 minutes to load. I tried not having tabs visible and it also took lots of time.
For now you'll have to live with saving sessions or saving bookmarks though.
Have you seen Firefox Quantum, by the way? It's awesome. You can have nice tabs on the side with a plugin, loads tons of tabs instantly. I'm seriously thinking to just use this extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/open-in-firefox/jmjejjdalfogiopknpabihjhplfkjjjk to move all my open tabs to Firefox and use it until Vivaldi's UI response times (like, opening a new tab is always a pain if it's not under those famous 400 milliseconds) improve significantly.
Seems to give me a bit more life. But I can't really quantify that. I can browse on FF all day and into the evening before having to plug it in while with V I can only do maybe five to six hours and Win 10 gives me the message that my battery is low and to plug it in. -
Yep. Using: 1.13.971.8 (Official Build) (64-bit) -
That delay was worse with Cloudfare.
V have since changed to some other company in San Francisco. ( United States, San Francisco, 94107) but a whois gives no info on that ip address.
It is somewhat quicker. -
@greybeard said in What is stopping you from using V all the time?: - Whois | Myip.ms
Mar 28, 2014 - - - Cloudflare, Inc, USAIt's another Cloudflare IP
I'm quite amazed that this old thread continues to potter along with activity. I simply cannot imagine seriously moving back down the ecosystem to any lesser browser. V's been my default since Feb 2015 & i just love it. I have lots of other browsers installed, & i also test some more recent stuff like FF Nightly & even Quantum. My visceral reaction always varies only between "meh" & "ugh". I continue to be unimpressed by, & see no point whatsoever in, lusting after a browser that might well be so fast that it opens & is onto its 700th tab before you even get up in the morning, but once it's running, has fock all utility. V is a multi-function workhorse for me; that's what i need my browser to be.
@steffie Hear Hear!
I was just using the command line WhoIs from Sysinternals...
The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
<<<SnipThanks for the info.
What's stopping me now is the fractured support for pen/touch. Sorry to go on about this, I know it's being worked on, but having switched to 1.13 and finding what I thought was a browser that (for the first time since 1.9) didn't hang immediately on using the pen on my surface (P4), I'm now finding that it's basically not really functional - gmail is broken (can't drag labels, etc.) and text highlighting in web pages is hit or miss.
Other browsers (e.g. Firefox quantum, which is where I'm typing this note) handle it all much better. I do understand that both Chromium (which caused the total failure after 1.10) and microsoft (which has messed us all about with the November 2017 creator's update) are partly to blame, but the combination of all this means I'm off until it all gets sorted out. I'll continue to use V on my Dell laptop (win 7) and will continue to evangelize about it, but on the touch system it's going to be Firefox and Edge. Good luck, all. I'll file a bug report that describes all the issues I've found, specifically on the SP4.
@aach1 said in What is stopping you from using V all the time?:
What's stopping me now is the fractured support for pen/touch.
Same here mate. My number one touch-oriented feature wish is for tab stack thumbnails to be previewed when using my Surface pen or long-pressing with my finger.
@aach1 For the record, bug report is: VB-34983
@paragon hovering the pen over a stack always worked for me (in v 1.9, which was the last one that worked at all with the pen). you may have something wrong in tab settings?
Its looks like the latest version of V is now completely compatible with IDM and it now reconises videos, now I don't think I ever need to switch browsers ever again!
Well done V !!
Bye Bye Firefox, you bloated slow piece of junk....
@spiderkeys Firefox 57+ is awesome, as is Vivaldi, an embaressment of riches