Address bar dropdown no history
I apologize if I posted this on wrong section.... so if, please moderators, transfer it to correct place.
I've been using Vivaldi for couple of years now and really satisfied. But recently I got to a problem.
In my address bar, when I opened drop down arrow, I always got a list of my most visited sites. But recently, in last couple of months those sites were slowly disappearing from that menu. Each time, there was one less ... and now, everything is gone. Sometimes I tried to put one site back, meaning that I'd enter an URL and click enter... and did it for couple of times, so the address came back to that drop down list.Now... nothing is there. No more most visited pages. Did something change in Vivaldi?
I still have history in address bar, when I start typing, but really miss those most visited pages.
And I did not change any settings anywhere. Those pages were just starting to disappear.How can I get that feature back?
I am using Win10, latest version of Vivaldi wit ublock origin.
Hi, they changed a lot in the address bar, maybe it is disabled in the address bar settings:I have moved the entry on top, this show FVPages as first list.
Cheers, mib
Hmm, I never touched those settings.... but I did notice now that FVP was unchecked. I checked it and moved to the top. Let's see if that changes anything. Thanks for the tip. Will post the update after few days
The funny thing now is, that I can't even open the arrow for the drop down. Although I entered one of the frequently used address multiple times. Nothing happened. Still not showing anything. Argh
Really a strange issue, as 80% of all issues is caused by Chrome extensions I would disable all and restart.
If you are on Windows you can edit the Vivaldi desktop shortcut and add--disable-extensions
This keep all extensions from loading at start.You can create a new profile for testing, the worst case would be a broken profile.
Nothing changes with extensions off. I don't think that could affect address bar
Well, I guess I'll have to wait if some of the updates will fix it - or not, and get to live without that feature -
Will I loose all my bookmarks and stuff?
The new second profile is only for testing you can still use your default profile.
If it work there we can fix this.
Do you use Vivaldi sync? -
I see. So new profile will be without everything, to test it out? I'll try it.
Hmm, I don't think I use sync. I am jus regular desktop browser user
I just tested new profile, and it looks like everything works there
So... what is the best option to do? I have a few settings in my profile, that I'd like to keep, but don't know how
The sync feature is really the best and fastest way to get the most settings and data to a new profile/install.
You can copy files manually but nobody knows what is corrupt.
Please check Sync
You can sync you default profile to the Vivaldi server (Encrypted) and then the new profile, then test for a while.
If this work we change profiles, details later. -
can you help me a bit?
I sync my old profile and everything is backed up I guess. But on new profile, I try to enter sync... added username and password, but now I must enter another - encrypted password. Where Is that?
If your old profile was already synced you had choose the encryption password at some point.
You can save the key in your old profile:In the new profile choose the file to encrypt.
I managed to encrypt file.. and in new profile I added sync data. But new profile is not updated with settings form my original profile. It is still empty, although it says it is synced.
Ohh, I feel like I knew nothing here. -
What settings do you mean, not all is synced.
You should have all bookmarks, passwords, tabs and much more.
Customized toolbars, mouse gestures and shortcuts are not synced for example. -
nothing was there. Will try once more.... and see, what will happen. Will delete all additional profiles and try again.Don't give up on me
It can take a while all is synced.
Open vivaldi://sync-internals and use the Trigger GetUpdate button to kick it manually. -
Oh, I did it!!!
I need one more... how can I save this profile as my main? So when I open vivaldi, it opens with this new one?
Copy the old profile folder "Default" as backup to a save place.
Delete the content in "Default".
Copy the content of the new profile to the folder "Default".
The new profile is called Profile 1 or Profile 3, depends on how many profiles was created.
If you delete the content in the new profile you get a new clean test profile if you start it next time.