meme hall of fame
I remember old meme -
Mate, this is a meme, right?
too diggicult...
No toś mi pojechał (albo pojechała)
My pictures are memes.
In the first one, in the background of the frame from the movie Marie-Antoinette is the text "if they can't afford gasoline let them drive teslas".
Yours - I don't know. It looks like a simplified table of variation (conjugation) of the verbs "jechać" and "jeździć". There is no suppositional mode, e.g. "jeździłbym". Strange genus names - not "neutralny" but "nijaki". And in the plural there should be only two "męskoosobowy" and "niemęskoosobowy".
Translated with (free version)
I got it!
HAHA. No one can distinguish them, due to the grammar differences.
@shifte said in meme hall of fame:
No one can distinguish them
I distinguish:
Nie spieszę się jadę do pracy
Nie jeżdżę po alkoholu -
@Catweazle said in meme hall of fame:
alt text
Below, especially for you, practice material - that is, what I would like to ask someone who gives images with alternative text "alt text"
This post is deleted! -
@Catweazle said in meme hall of fame:
My knowledge is limited to German, Spanish and English
Sir, denken Sie daran, den veröffentlichten Bildern einen alternativen Text (Beschreibung) hinzuzufügen.
Señor, recuerde agregar texto alternativo (descripción) a las imágenes publicadas.
Sir, remember to add alternative text (description) to published images.@Catweazle said in meme hall of fame:
for others I need the translator or an OCR in Images
Me too.
@Ryszard Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof!
@Ryszard, ich verstehe auch nur Bahnhof, ich kann zwar einen erklärenden Alt-Text zu dem Bild in Mastodon hinzufügen, aber hier im Forum nicht und ich sehe auch keinen von dir. Wenn du ihn siehst, ein Screenshot davon, Bitte.
I also only understand a fuck what you mean, I can add an explanatory alt text to the image in Mastodon, but not here in the forum and I don't see any from you either. If you see it, a screenshot of it, please.
Tampoco entiendo una mierda, puedo agregar un texto alternativo explicativo a la imagen en Mastodon, pero aquí en el foro no y tampoco veo ninguno tuyo. Si lo ves, una captura de pantalla, por favor..
@Ryszard said in meme hall of fame:
Sir, remember to add alternative text (description) to published images.
You mean like this?

Having a alt attribute to see what a image means, that is good for people with bad sight, screenreaders or over slow internet connection.