What are you reading right now?
The Inhertence of Loss - Kiran Desai
@iqaluit said in What are you reading right now?:
The Inhertence of Loss - Kiran Desai
Kiran Desai – „The Inhertence of Loss”
tłum.: Jerzy Kozłowski – „Brzemię rzeczy utraconych”
Dorota Filipiak – „Rumunia. Pęknięte lustro Europy”
Czytaj PL:
Adam Mirek – „Bebechy, czyli ciało człowieka pod lupą”
Czytaj PL:
Remigiusz Mróz – „Paderborn”
Killer in the Kremiln.
Putin's rise to power and butchery in Chechnya and elsewhere (notably now Ukraine) written by a British investigative journalist John Sweeney.
Czytaj PL:
Anna Dziewit-Meller – „Juno”
"The Colony. New Dark Ages. Book 1" by Max Kidruk
@kurai said in What are you reading right now?:
Max Kidruk
Максим Кідрук – „Бот”
tłum.: Julia Celer – „Bot”
and Dr Hawkins' iconic prayer:
Lord Almighty, ever living God
I ask you to be a vehicle of your divine love
I ask to be a channel of your divine will
I ask you for the right direction and
Your divine assistance
to surrender all personal will
through devotion to your truthI ask your help to dedicate my very life to your service
Help me to choose love and peace above all other optionsHelp me to commit myself to the goal of unconditional love and compassion for all life- in all its expressions
Help me to surrender all judgement to you at all times
Glory to you God in the highest -
Goodreads choice awards 2024
Vote in the final round
cut off December 1st
winner announced December 5thhttps://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2024?ref_=pe_2701710_1161393670
‘The City and Its Uncertain Walls’ , Haruki Murakami
Just finished "On the Beach" by Neville Shute. Beautifully written yarn about the end of the world, courtesy of a nuclear war between, initially, China and Russia but spreads to the entire northern hemisphere, that only lasts a month but is so intense that the radioactive fallout spreads across the entire world, killing everything in its path. An early - and possibly the best - example of dystopian fiction in my view.
Now moved on to something more cheerful: "Diplomacy" by Henry Kissinger - a history of the development of the diplomatic arts across the world, and in particular the US..... Most of them seem to have been sadly forgotten by today's generation of diplomats who seem incapable of finding agreement on anything.
Ryszard Ćwirlej – „Ostatnia droga”
Andrzej Sapkowski – „Wiedźmin. Rozdroże kruków”
winners of the 16th annual Goodreads Choice Awards
https://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2024@iqaluit said in What are you reading right now?:
Goodreads choice awards 2024
Vote in the final round
cut off December 1st
winner announced December 5thhttps://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2024?ref_=pe_2701710_1161393670
Burmese Days by George Orwell. Novel based on his time in the British Colonial Service in the dying Empire between the Wars.... It's an interesting read. Sadly, my country has little to be proud of in its treatment of other countries (then and now).
@TravellinBob said in What are you reading right now?:
Burmese Days by George Orwell
George Orwell – „Burmese Days”
tłum: Zofia Zinserling – „Birmańskie dni”
Magdalena Grzebałkowska – „Dezorientacje. Biografia Konopnickiej”