Friday Poll: What operating system is your phone running on?
Recently, one month ago, I switched from Android 8.1 Stock to LineageOS 18.1 (equiv. Android 11) on my Primary phone. I'm now dealing with the big jump from Android 8.1 to 11, the changes, apps' settings, etc, that kinda stuff.
But on my secondary phone (for testings and games) I have already flashed LineageOS (equiv. Android 8.1) a lot time ago.
My prefer OS is Android, but as you can already figured out I'm trying to stay away from Google, who has changed
Don't be evilI'm the Devil .About dumbphones I still have several, some of them still works. I miss how tough they were and how long the batteries keep charged, but today has very few situations that a dumbphone will be helpful, also will requires make a duplicate of card to the 'original' SIM size...whose lived the dumdphone's era know what I mean.
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