Open letter to Jon concerning M3
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Cleaning this thread a bit...
@ayespy Humpfh.
Any news about this topic? I mean more as "When its ready" or "Humpfh"
Currently state of my O12.18:
Incoming new mail, clicking it in the inbox - CRASH
Click on reply, wrote some letters, cyclic checking new mails in the background - CRASH
Opening a link in a mail directly in O12.18 - CRASHNot every time but often. Not really usable for productive. No workarounds because the old O12 code is incompatible with modern Intel CPU and IGFX. I think its the same issue which causes older versions of Corel Paint Shop Pro unusable on 8-Gen Core CPU. Asked Intel but they only laugh for issue requests related to such old software - justifiably.
I hope to read thats M3 will released soon.
@codehunter Opera 12.18 email works fine for me on an AMD processor. If it keeps crashing for you then you should try another email program or use webmail.
They won't give any more details for M3 rather than it is in progress and will be released when it is ready. They already use it in internal builds, but they won't release it before it is good enough for Joe Public.
@pesala Please read my initial post (open letter to jon): I wan't change my mailer because all the tests showed that others do not really match my personal requirements. And I can't change the CPU architecture because its pretended by employer. Both problems are MY problems and not that of the M3 devs, i know. But I have great hope that M3 will match my requirements.
As of today, M2 still is still working fine for me (4 email accounts, thousands of emails...) the only issue I have noticed is that it may crash on external links. I have gotten into the habit of Copying and Pasting into a more modern browser.
Using Win10 and Linux Mint on Intel computers at different locations...I have tried other clients and found them unacceptable for one reason or another so I am still anxiously awaiting M3.
@greybeard There is a setting in M2 whereby you can instruct it to open all links in (xyz) browser.
@ayespy I remember you used to be able to Rt-Click > Open In... (list of registered browsers) in the Opera Browser but I do not see it in M2.
Also nothing in "About:Config".
Can you point me to it in O12.18?
(Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.18) -
@greybeard said in Open letter to Jon concerning M3:
Can you point me to it in O12.18?
See Settings, Programs
@greybeard Menu/settings/preferences/advanced/programs.
Add protocols http and https. Browse to the .exe of the browser you want them to open in.
Select it. Press Ok in the dialog. Press Ok in the parent dialog. Done.
@Codehunter , what can I tell you. Nothing would please me more than to present M3 to you. It is clearly looking better and better and the team is working really hard to get it out of the door. A number of us have been using it for a long time now and I feel it is already much better than M2. That does not mean there is not work to do and we need to finish a bit more before it is ready for prime time. Rest assured we are doing our best here and we will deliver a great M3.
@jon Great news Jon. Can you or any of the programmers give us a little insight on the progress ? For instance is the POP3 part solved or is it still in an early stage of development or in a more general way a percentage of development [the program is xx% ready] ?
Thanks in advance, Yatta
A lot of stuff is in place and is being improved. Sadly POP3 is still not in. We have focused on other issues, but it is not forgotten and it will get it in there. As part of the work we have been doing, we have made POP3 easier to add as well.
I guess we are not so eager to talk about things in general. We just want to show it to you and that is what we are working on. The team is focused and the code is improving each and every day. It has come a long way since the early builds. It is faster, smoother and more polished. We just want to polish it a bit more and add the remaining items.
@ayespy said in Open letter to Jon concerning M3:
@greybeard There is a setting in M2 whereby you can instruct it to open all links in (xyz) browser.
Doesn't help anything if M2 itself is unstable on modern Intel CPUs/IGPUs.
@codehunter But it's not.
@codehunter Not that that matters, because soon we will have M3. Of course one of the things that has to be fixed for me before release is some of its problems on older hardware.
By contrast, M2 (or OperaMail if you prefer) runs without difficulty on all 11 machines I own, old and new - from XP to Linux, to Win10. But fear not- I'm confident the team will get M3 running like a hot knife through butter on everything short of XP.
Focus on memory and CPU usage has been a major focus for us. We do want M3 to run well on older systems, to the extent possible based on the Chromium codebase. We have been doing a rather major rewrite and that process is going quite well.