Sync-Internals Shows More Bookmarks Than Device
vivaldi://sync-internals shows more bookmarks when I delete
The first time I ran Sync for only my bookmarks it showed 223, afterwards I logged out.
A few days later I deleted around 10-15 bookmarks and I logged back into Sync to redo my bookmarks.
But vivaldi://sync-internals is showing more bookmarks not less, 233
I don't understand why it's showing more, not less.
But here's what I really don't understand, when I tap on the panel button and look at the browser bookmarks on the device it only says 211. I don't get why Sync says there are 22 more bookmarks, than on my device.
I looked under the Sync Node Browser tab, and I noticed bookmarks I deleted off the device are still there.
Is there a way to have all the bookmarks deleted from Sync and start it over clean, or does it take a certain period of time before Sync shows the same bookmarks as the device?
ModEdit: Title
You have to either do it being online with at least 2 devices or,- Reset remote data
- Go offline
- Remove Bookmarks on Device 2
- Modify Bookmarks on Device 1
- Backup the Bookmarks
- Go online on Device 1
- Sync
- Go online on Device 2
- Sync
That way works
Hi @Zalex108
Is there, or has been problems with sync not updating/changing the bookmarks in the cloud?
Why do I get the feeling, at present this is going to be an ongoing occurrence.
I don't use Vivaldi on any other device, it's only for this tablet. It also seems like this can't be axcomplished on only Android, as I'm not aware the Android version has a means to backup/export the bookmarks.
How can I do this on only my tablet this is installed? Not sure what you also mean by resetting remote data, need you to please explain in more detail.
Can we also delete all the bookmarks off the cloud?
@ViIT said in vivaldi://sync-internals shows more bookmarks when I delete:
Not sure what you also mean by resetting remote data, need you to please explain in more detail.
Step 7
I've just cleaned some BKs from desktop, everything is fine here.
I kept 2 devices online to get a replication that should be pushed to the other devices, which are currently offline, too.
With only 1 device, only doing Step 7 is fine? Then go offline, I'm assuming I should log out, then back online, login and sync over?
Backup your Passwords before LogOut.
Delete Remote Sync Data
Does not work, I still have all the same bookmarks as before, it didn't change.
Are you emptying the Bin?
@Zalex108 said in vivaldi://sync-internals shows more bookmarks when I delete:
Are you emptying the Bin?
Yes the bin is empty...
Have you installed V on Desktop at some point?
Installed an Extension and Synced the Account?Some Extensions add Bookmarks to the Root.
This can bee seen on Desktop and the Chromium's path.
Forget about the above.The Sync internals are consistent here on 2 devices, but, you are right, regarding the count on Android is not.
I did not reviewed on each deletion, but it diferes.
I have only installed Vivaldi on this tablet, never on any other device.
The Trash has now disappeared and doesn't show when I delete bookmarks. I was just creating and deleting some new bookmarks to double check the trash.
Yesterday I saw the trash and it listed 4 bookmarks in it and I emptied it.
I just cleared the cache, but still no trash appearing.
This browser doesn't like me, and is acting more like Beta code, than a stable release, and this is starting to get frustrating. I am now constantly running into bugs.
With Sync enabled too, many times I also go to the Menu Settings the browser crashes.
@ViIT said in vivaldi://sync-internals shows more bookmarks when I delete:
With Sync enabled too, many times I also go to the Menu Settings the browser crashes.
If you have enabled Flags this would happen.
Open the Menu being on Sync-Internals crashes for me most of the times.
Here is how my Home Speed Dial page looks like, I did my own thing, I wonder if this is what's messing with it...
Take a look at how I did my layout , could it be the problem?
Ahhh stupid me, I forgot to go back in the UI for the bookmarks... LOL
Also I am not on the vivaldi://sync-internals URL when it crashes. I can be on my Home Speed Dial page as an example, tap Settings and it crashes.
It simply crashes going to Setting, wherever I am at in the browser.
What Flags are you referring to?
@Zalex108 said in vivaldi://sync-internals shows more bookmarks when I delete:
On Speed Dial crashes too.Flags
I only have Smooth Scrolling enabled...
What, when you have Sync enabled the browser sometimes also crashes for you, when you go to the Menu Settings?
You mentioned before the count on Android, so Sync shows a different number of bookmarks compared to the device count for you?
On the device it says I have 197, but in Sync for Total and Live 219.
When I deleted the remote sync, logged back in, my old bookmarks were back on my device. When I deleted them over, now in Sync Internals > Sync Node Browser it looks like all the same bookmarks.
But why the different bookmark count in Sync vs Device?
Right, It happens to me too,
From Sync-Internals or SpeedDial, V crashes often when opening the Menu.
It would need also a Bug Report.About the difference in the bookmarks count, IDK.
We can wait for the next week until other users and VTeam can read and check.
It would need a Bug Report to investigate. -
I submitted two bug reports...
Summary: Delete Remote Sync Data Doesn't Work - Deleted Bookmarks Not Changed - Sync Crashes Browser
Key: VAB-10682
Project: Vivaldi Android BrowserSummary: Sync Total Live Entries - Different Than Local Device
Key: VAB-10683
Project: Vivaldi Android BrowserThanks