What are you reading right now?
‘The City and Its Uncertain Walls’ , Haruki Murakami
Just finished "On the Beach" by Neville Shute. Beautifully written yarn about the end of the world, courtesy of a nuclear war between, initially, China and Russia but spreads to the entire northern hemisphere, that only lasts a month but is so intense that the radioactive fallout spreads across the entire world, killing everything in its path. An early - and possibly the best - example of dystopian fiction in my view.
Now moved on to something more cheerful: "Diplomacy" by Henry Kissinger - a history of the development of the diplomatic arts across the world, and in particular the US..... Most of them seem to have been sadly forgotten by today's generation of diplomats who seem incapable of finding agreement on anything.
Ryszard Ćwirlej – „Ostatnia droga”
Andrzej Sapkowski – „Wiedźmin. Rozdroże kruków”
winners of the 16th annual Goodreads Choice Awards
https://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2024@iqaluit said in What are you reading right now?:
Goodreads choice awards 2024
Vote in the final round
cut off December 1st
winner announced December 5thhttps://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2024?ref_=pe_2701710_1161393670
Burmese Days by George Orwell. Novel based on his time in the British Colonial Service in the dying Empire between the Wars.... It's an interesting read. Sadly, my country has little to be proud of in its treatment of other countries (then and now).
@TravellinBob said in What are you reading right now?:
Burmese Days by George Orwell
George Orwell – „Burmese Days”
tłum: Zofia Zinserling – „Birmańskie dni”
Magdalena Grzebałkowska – „Dezorientacje. Biografia Konopnickiej”
Volker Klüpfel, Michael Kobr – „Rauhnacht”
tłum.: Grzegorz Zaręba – „Szczodre Gody”
Dopo ogni guerra
c’è chi deve ripulire.
In fondo un po’ d’ordine
da solo non si fa.C’è chi deve spingere le macerie
ai bordi delle strade
per far passare
i carri pieni di cadaveri.C’è chi deve sprofondare
nella melma e nella cenere,
tra le molle dei divani letto,
le schegge di vetro
e gli stracci insanguinati.C’è chi deve trascinare una trave
per puntellare il muro,
c’è chi deve mettere i vetri alla finestra
e montare la porta sui cardini.Non è fotogenico,
e ci vogliono anni.
Tutte le telecamere sono già partite
per un’altra guerra.Bisogna ricostruire i ponti
e anche le stazioni.
Le maniche saranno a brandelli
a forza di rimboccarle.C’è chi, con la scopa in mano,
ricorda ancora com’era.
C’è chi ascolta
annuendo con la testa non mozzata.Ma presto lì si aggireranno altri
che troveranno il tutto
un po’ noioso.C’è chi talvolta
dissotterrerà da sotto un cespuglio
argomenti corrosi dalla ruggine
e li trasporterà sul mucchio dei rifiuti.Chi sapeva
di che si trattava,
deve far posto a quelli
che ne sanno poco.
E meno di poco.
E infine assolutamente nulla.Sull’erba che ha ricoperto
le cause e gli effetti,
c’è chi deve starsene disteso
con una spiga tra i denti,
perso a fissare le nuvole.- Wisława Szymborska
Christmas present: "A History of Britain in Ten Enemies" by Terry Deary - always enjoyed the subject, and read a lot of similar tomes but this is pretty funny and enjoyable. I'll have it ifnished by midweek, I think, then move to another Christmas present, Salman Rushdie's "Victory City" - one of my favourite writers. Looking forward to it.
Andrzej Fiedoruk – „Historia kuchni polowej. Na kulinarnym zapleczu armii świata. Od starożytności do współczesności”
One-Hour Cheese: Ricotta, Mozzarella, Chèvre, Paneer--Even Burrata. Fresh and Simple Cheeses You Can Make in an Hour or Less!
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18290385-one-hour-cheeseAbsolutely lives up to its name! The 20-minute cheese is great! The burrata and smokey cheater are my favourites!
Andrzej Pilipiuk – „Wieszać każdy może”
Lucjan Wolanowski – „Ani diabeł, ani głębina. Dzieje odkryć Australii, opowiedziane ludziom, którym się bardzo spieszy”
"How they broke Britain" by LBC journalist James O'Brien. A look at the national self-destruction of Brexit and how decency and trust in politics has been destroyed in the country by a small handful of individuals in the media and the (mostly) Tory party over the past 15 years or so. I mourn my homeland - it will take a generation to fix....
Evagrius of Pontus: Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons
Jacek Getner – „Telefon od nieboszczyka”