Quinca71 Souvenir Repository
Flap - Users Avatars
Mustache - the biggest ever seen. I believe not only for me. And it looks natural.
User - qazaq61 -
Flap - Users Avatars
No Comments - User: Chinaski
I made sure to keep in my memory this image from the original topic of my alter ego. Reasons? Ça va sans dire.
Flap - Users Avatars
"Yin-Yang live"?
Flap - Users Avatars
Nothing young (acidly) warrior.
Nevertheless, humorous and amusing, IMO.
His first post fits the avatar perfectly.
Afraid that everything will not last long, I am keeping a copy of his post. In the future only available through my viv email. -
Flap - Users Avatars
User - AEONSCRIM - 2 - see precedent post above.
Somehow frustrated, I see that he changed the incredible image he generated. From a curmudgeon (*) old tiny man so suggestive, he went on to a cheeky provocative young man.
(*) in the sense of "a bad-tempered or acid person", Thanks @i_ri)
Flap - Users Avatars
Pinocchio - Does anyone know what this is about? Times go by and, as always, they make everything worse.
User - BANEC -
@JoaBravo That's a Japanese "Tengu." A "sky dog" or "sky sentinel." I believe it's considered godlike and a protector.
@Ayespy Here's a story about that one getting repaired.
Anything that involves a disproportionate nose will always lead me to Pinocchio, the most remarkable and affective reference I have for this. Still with a stronger reason, because I tend to be untouched about most of what goes on out there.But I appreciated and thank you for your reinsegnment.
Information is what I do. It's both my vocation and my avocation.
@JoaBravo said in Quinca71 Souvenir Repository:
... disproportionate nose will always lead me to Pinocchio...
Let me better situate my words:
If the context is more trivial, funny, less profound, Pinocchio is unbeatable.
But if the context to which the nose refers is significant, sentimental, if it enters scratching, tearing and deepening, Pinocchio gives primacy to the ineffable Cyrano de Bergerac. -
Flap - Users with best answers
If my "alter ego topic" resurrected, you would be in third or second place in the overall ranking.
147.84%!-Reputation / Posts.Happy about it.
Don't try to replace Pinocchio and Cyrano on the matter!
@JoaBravo , I could also have mentioned Socrates, also known for a 'prominent' nose
Flap - Users with best answers
@JoaBravo said in Quinca71 Souvenir Repository:
... If my "alter ego topic" resurrected...
...... You too, @hlehyaric, 156.25% -Rep / Posts! You and @Ornorm would compete in a "tête à tête" race.
As for the background image of the profile, "ça va sans dire", "pas du tout" .... at the most favorable sense (added)...
Flap - Some silly pranks, maybe fun. Non-existent subject in the former topics.
Here's an old-fashioned one. I ask another: how do you pronounce the name of the US capital? "Niu York or Nova York"? (transliterating into our way of pronouncing)
If the answer was one of two, I added, "Wrong, sir, it's Washington.
I think this can be done in any country, "mutatis mutandis", except of course the English-speaking ones.
The funny thing here is that, even those who know the capital of the United States, they lose focus on the word capital and throw themselves into pronunciation.
Flap Users Avatars
I don't know how to title it. The fact is that it impressed me.
The image gave me the feeling of something from a few centuries ago and the character would not be ignored for me, obviously from a past incarnation.
I don't know why I see him as a court clerk. In France, date close to the French Revolution. Why France and French and that time, that goes beyond my explanatory power.
Another nose with a not insignificant proportion. A snuff sniff (?) "Renifler de la poussière", how can I say what would be said here as "cheirador de rapé", a tobacco powder sniffer? Anyway, a fun impression. Although its so odd.
Note - All may become still more instigant, if @Ayespy discover what nowadays divulged image it corresponds to.
@JoaBravo Looks for all the world like Bob Cratchit leaning over his desk. Now I will have to find out.