What are you reading right now?
A riff on the "What are you listening to right now?" topic. Instead of saying what song you are listening to right now, let us all know what book you are reading right now! Here we go: [img]http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1426928658l/18966806.jpg[/img] Morning Star (Red Rising #3) by Pierce Brown
I am reading El Capitan for Dummies. Suddenly I could not find my way around the OSX anymore, so I figured I just order the book and read it.
The Jonah Kit, by Ian Watson (1975, sci fi) - (amazon.com - includes synopsis)
Ah, thought this was about any kind of reading material. Just read this article on the NYT and now I want to burn the burgeoise www.nytimes.com/2016/04/24/business/economy/velvet-rope-economy.html
I'm reading Caliban's War by James S. A. Corey.
Das Glasperlenspiel - Hermann Hesse