What are you listening to right now?
DARRYL BLOOD - The Enchanted Forest of Sennachereb (2024)
BURGEN - Oremus (2024)
My Sunday morning wake up is ...... MF Doom - Rapp Snitch Knishes!
@Ryszard of just started playing this to check it out and damn this is a 53 min song I'm very intrigued and excited to listen to something new and I never heard of
@Ryszard next up on the list after that 53 min song you threw up first
If anything else is to be downloaded to "today's folder":
@echo off @chcp 1250 echo Tylko pobierze i zapisze w "dzisiejszym folderze" set licznik=10 set /p choice=Adres? c:\Users\user\.smplayer\yt-dlp.exe --restrict-filenames --trim-filenames %licznik% -f bestaudio -o "%%(upload_date>%%y%%m%%d)s%%(playlist_index)02d_%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -P "c:\Users\user\Music\24%DATE:~3,2%\%DATE:~0,2%" %choice% :ask_decision set choice=0 set /a licznik=%licznik%+1 echo %choice% echo Wybierz jedną z opcji: echo [enter] - wyjście echo adres - pobranie podanego set /p choice= if "%choice%"=="0" ( echo Wybrałeś wyjście. exit /b ) else ( c:\Users\user\.smplayer\yt-dlp.exe --restrict-filenames --trim-filenames %licznik% -f bestaudio -o "%%(upload_date>%%y%%m%%d)s%%(playlist_index)02d_%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -P "c:\Users\user\Music\24%DATE:~3,2%\%DATE:~0,2%" %choice% ) goto ask_decision exit
36 mins into it and like a said it places you in a dark but fulfilling trance to the riffs if that makes any sense -
@Ryszard I see you dropping some instrumental baggers on my Sunday morning and thanks love discovering my music
The lyrics some say reality others say there no way thats a true story
Immortal Technique- Dance with the Devil -
Nier Automata OST
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdR7m7PFLzQ7RqOVfxk2Fr2F-a7iWzovn -
Svartsinn - Of Darkness and Re-Creation (2003)
Hérétique du Nord - Shadow and Frost (2024)
Trollslayer - The Pact (2024)
MACHINA COELI - Gnosis (2009)
GNOLL - Mörk Borg (2019)