Zero Tolerance with users who violate forum rules
@Ayespy yes, and it works better this way
drats, it would have been quite delicious to have been able to know who
the villain
is/was, for without that important context, this thread is hard to follow. -
@ybjrepnfr There are a couple of candidates. None were mentioned in the thread at any time.
@Ayespy said in Zero Tolerance with users who violate forum rules:
None were mentioned in the thread at any time
kinda sorta my entire point.
@ybjrepnfr You’re the villain. It’s awkward you are posting here when we are discussing your case. Read the room
@luetage /sarcasm
Interestingly, all participants automatically signed themselves up as judges capable of deciding the fate of others. I stopped writing meaningful detailed posts. Moderators, thank you - this is your merit (I have fulfilled the norm of thanks for today). I recently watched the topic -- I know the answer approximately. But why would I write something, help (I have already done this), if @Pathduck comes and deletes my answer. This post will be deleted by @Ayespy (by making a judicial sole decision and violating the rights of other judges to familiarize themselves with it).
There are people among the moderators who do not distinguish bits from bytes, but they have a blue tag and a red button and a 100% ambition that they are the judges, and everyone else is their flock, which they can herd, educate, and change its number. And they probably got these color privileges on the principle of "who came first".
@barbudo2005 calls for the destruction of all dubious individuals abruptly, without warning, preferably with beheading. But judging by the fact that no names or crimes are mentioned here, the judges themselves are in chains of their own limitations. I think I think @barbudo2005 suggests deleting people "politely" without telling them about it, and without violating their right to be polite.
There are no other programming languages on the Vivaldi forum except "politeness". It is she who has the highest punitive power.
By the way, I started using a microphone, so I don't suffer so much from deleting my useful information from the forum. But usually no useful information appears after me.
I cannot support the policy of total absolute concealment of everything. Therefore, I'm sorry, but today, in this topic, with names. I signed my name -- @sphera.
You can see me, and not just fictional nicknames, in the profile:<- – this is my photo.
Your politeness takes some kind of comic hypertrophied forms - you can't even mention the invented nicknames of moderators who don't relate to a person personally at all. Icons in the church can be touched, but the nicknames of the moderators are not.
Note that my post did not offend anyone, it does not concern politics (and I am interested in its fate and the continuation of a stalled topic). Only my statements are not always pleasant for everyone.
You opened this topic yourself.
I am being watched by 3 Ambassadors -- @RiveDroite, @Thot, @ingolftopf (they informed me about it themselves). Great, they took on the role of forum controllers. Commendable care. This will eventually allow the browser to get better.
Their nicknames (not names!) they are an invitation to a conversation. This topic is an excellent platform for discussion, making specific claims and justifications. And maybe, equally, getting a reward for your contribution to the development of the browser.
Correction -- Ambassadors are watching me. I don't follow them.
Of course not. You never know what facts and nonsense will come up in the process of an equal, not correspondence conversation. You should always judge in secret - it's so safe for yourself. Is everything correct?
Where, who , and what exactly are you going to execute ? Would you like to call them and give them the words ?
(I can't beat the MS Word format. Local heading from HTML <h1><h6> -- does not respond.
Here is another reason to make the Vivaldi forum better. I already have a minimum 2 of a suggestion about this, based on a pure HTML)modedit: formatting. Please use Markdown formatting properly and avoid huge letters -
The idea of an "troll army" doesn't seem so far-fetched to me.
This kind of spam has been popping up in forums and in some open source messengers for some time now.
Always following the same pattern.I think it's good and right to deal with these things openly and transparently.
People who behave like this should know that it's not just the Vivaldi team and moderators who talk about it, but also "normal" users.
And not just only behind closed doors.As I said, the better known and more popular Vivaldi becomes, the more we will have to deal with these things.
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@TheQuantumAlpha, agree, the clue isn't to censor the opinion justified against Vivaldi, which everybody can have, but the lack of education and respect to other users and the team. The perfect browser for everybody don't exist, it can exist only on individual level and Vivaldi isn't an exception, it also lacks features which some user need and claiming and discussing this in an objective and respectfull way never can and will be censored, but insulting and calling inept those who only want to help solve an issue.
Reading your comment it seems that you are talking about freedom of speech on Twitter. Let me make it clear, this is not Twitter.
I was not talking about expressing your opinion, whatever it may be, but to do it disrespecting, insulting, with foul language, offending, in an offensive and arrogant way and denigrating the Vivaldi team, or the moderators for not solving their little problem immediately, as if that was their life.
Perhaps the terms Zero tolerance and "just once" may have been too extreme, but they served their purpose of making the point.
And I think that after this thread, those people will think twice about the next opportunity they have to release their ........ (Each one completes it as he/she sees fit)
Also, I was referring to people who stubbornly do it repeatedly. In that case gradual punishment is the right thing to do.
But that there must be a serious punishment at the end, I have no doubt.
@TheQuantumAlpha So you defend attacks, intimidation, threats as opinion and use of free speech.
As said before, free speech is an basic right, but aggression, insults and lack of respect have nothing to do with free speech, just as hitting a person has nothing to do with expressing an opinion.
I do not understand why we have to discuss for this community?
Users who registered in community confirmed that they accept the Terms Of Use. Such is like signing a contract.
If they violate them they get warned, if they do not stop, they will be banned.
What is wrong with respecting the Terms Of Use?
//edit: I am tired to tell users RTFToU and RTFCoC!
And i am tired since decades to read users complaining in discussion groups and WWW forums how unfree they are and not allowed to do everything they want, yelling about free speech and censorship when they show anti-social an criminal behaviour.
I tell you all: "Bernd, go home to *Chan."
@TheQuantumAlpha As it happens, the terms of service mandate respect and politesse. They also advocate for kindness and friendliness.
I sometimes see "straightforward" used as a synonym for "brutal honesty." Trouble with that is that brutal honesty is not just honest - it's also brutal. But the speaker defends the emotional abuse it entails by stating they were "only being honest." Honesty can deal in truth without freighting that truth with negative feeling, scorn, contempt that the speaker ALSO feels. It is wholly unnecessary to be unfriendly or unkind in order to be honest. But, you see, if one doesn't like being verbally savaged and spat upon, they are just a lily-livered whiner who "can't handle the truth."
So, "straightforward." Yes. ("I find tab-stacking useless. The lines of code for it could be jettisoned with no loss to the browser." "I can't see any point for an email client in a browser. I think resources ought not be wasted on it." "In my view, page capture is very poorly executed. It would be better if..." etc.) Respect and politeness? Also, yes.
Something as seemingly mild as "you guys don't know what you're doing" is actually a violation of the terms a user agreed to when signing on.
And lastly, lest we forget, this is a community about a browser. We have chit-chat and social categories so users can noodle around a little and talk about things that don't matter, but if it's not about a browser, it's not why the community exists - and I have zero qualms about shutting down political, religious, or similar comments, things about morality, tradition, etc. It almost doesn't matter WHAT you say in such areas, you are sure to tick someone off. And that's against the Code of Conduct.
It got funny and weird.
The user wrote a message.
He later added on his link to casino.
The link was spotted:
The user was banned, I suspect because of the casino link.
The user's messages disappeared, but on his casino link is still available and clickable.
Somehow I understand the slogan 'zero torelance' differently. -
@Ryszard I reported the spam profile now internally.
@Ryszard The user was banned for inserting a spam link in their post, not for their profile link. Only logged-in users can see profiles, so they're basically useless for SEO spammers, since they won't get index by search engines anyway.
Of course, if a logged-in user actually clicks the link to what is clearly a gambling site, they can only blame themselves.
We do appreciate if you report such profiles though, might help to catch them before any damage is done.
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@Sudger welcome to the forum and... huh?