Choose Icon Only per Bookmark on Bookmark Bar
I can see the options for "icons only" "text only" etc. but in Microsoft Edge (Chromium) it's possible to right-click a bookmark and choose "Icon only" on an individual bookmark-by-bookmark basis.
Please could this be introduced in Vivaldi? The issue I have is that I have a number of bookmarks for different URLs on the same site and they are indistinguishable when using "icon only".
Example below:
If there's a way to make this work using scripting currently - please let me know!
Andrew -
@andrewjohnwatts Use some CSS to hide the Bookmark Icons, then use Emojis for the Bookmark Titles with the setting Text Only.
To save even more space, hide the folder dropdown arrows, and underline the folder name text.
/*Hide Bookmark Folder Icons*/ .bookmark-bar.text .observer .VivaldiSvgIcon {display: none;} .bookmark-bar.text .observer .bookmarkbarItem.folder span.title {text-decoration: underline;}