What games have you played/enjoyed recently?
@Pathduck, the Tomb Raider from 2013, which I got in a Giveaway some Years ago, also was pretty enjoyable, good handling, but very hardcore to play (I stopped counting how many times they killed poor Lara).
With love I remember a game from the 90ies, very advanced for this years with a great soundtrack, MDK, which now is even downloadable as Abandonware. A masterpiece IMHO.
@Pathduck CoD, CS:S/GO, Battlefield and Rainbow 6 Siege used to be my main games, FPS games were definitely my main back when the ones with bigger playerbases were still good, unlike the new CoD and BF games, or most online AAA games now. I would honestly probably play that a lot even now if it wasn't for the way new games handle "micro" transactions and season passes. That along with the insane amount of people only using meta stuff and optimizing everything, though I guess that might just be more noticeable for above average players than it used to be with the matchmaking systems that have taken the place of the more relaxed stuff from a few years ago.
Haven't played too many games recently, but did play a few in the past. Most were multiplayer games my friends owned, but did have a few myself.
Through Elementary School (grade 1-5):
Mostly Lego and Bionicle Flash games on library computers. Also played Star Wars: Droid Works, which was on the school computers.
Through Middleschool (grades 6-8):
Didn't have my own computer or console, so relied on others. Mostly played Flash games online (non-Lego), but the school computers did have: Marble Blast Gold, Nanosaur 2: The Hatching, and some zombie turn based strategy game with a grid playfield. There were various weapons strewn about the field that you had to move to collect. Was sort of chess-like with different survivors having various movement patterns.
Have tried to find its name online, but didn't have any luck... If you have any ideas, let me know. Was on Mac OS X Leopard and had fairly blocky graphics.(Edit: Finally found it by combing through tons of Google Images result. It was simply called Zombies. Apparently my school was one of the few entities to actually purchase the game. More info here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/why-did-zombies-do-so-poorly.399002/)Before I figured out how to download Flash games for offline play, I spent many hours playing those 3 games since the school would turn off internet access during various times throughout the day.
Also played some of these with friends: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Halo: Combat Evolved, some Medal of Honor game (but no clue which one), Rome: Total War, and Spore.
Through Highschool (grades 9-12):
Finally got my own laptop, so had more options, but didn't end up playing too many games. Played a lot of Minecraft. Mostly single player, but some local multiplayer and had a friend that set up a small server.
Had some friends that were super into Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Melee with Project M. Didn't play too much with them because they were way too good at it for me to have a chance
Through College (university):
Played some more modern Call of Duty game with friends when I had 5 roommates; couldn't tell you which one. Then in the last year, my roommate got a GameCube and Switch, so we played some Super Smash Bros. Brawl / Melee, Medal of Honor: European Assault, and Rocket League. Kept a tally of how many games we each won. We started out on fairly even footings since neither of us had really played any of the games before, but he got a lot more play time as the year went on, so he beat me by a lot...
Haven't played too much since college. Did some more Minecraft and a bit of the old Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005). Bought the whole Bioshock series remastered and Fallout 3, but didn't get around to playing them yet (the curse of Steam Sales). Also somewhat tempted to buy Subnautica and the complete Halo series (could honestly just watch someone's playthrough because I am mostly interested in the story), but I won't let myself unless I actually play my other purchased games first. Don't want to be that person with a Steam library full of unplayed games
@nomadic, I have some nice Games (Giveaways, I don't spend money in Games since many Years) in my Steam Librery, but I hate Steam, because I hate that, when I launch one of these Games, first open the Steam client (sloooooow), wasting Memory.
Anyway, my reflexes are no longer for fast FPS games and I prefer those that require a calm and thoughtful way of playing. TDM, Portal, Splinter Cell, Gravitas, etc. are the closest to this type of gaming. -
@nomadic Man, I wish the re-release of the old Battlefront games went better, Battlefront 2 is definitely the Star Wars game I've the most playtime in. Such good games the old ones.
PS. If someone want to play MDK right in Vivaldi
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Skyrim- modded, Witcher 3, currently AC: Valhalla, but seems not as immersive but the gameplay seems ok, probably its modern.
Occasionally will load up my Cities Skylines city but I dont think currently i am as patient as last time to build up a city and do up an own map like i did in the past.
These days I have a lot of time to play games so my most recent list of enjoyable games is:
Days Gone
The Last Of Us
Alone In The Dark
Dead Island 2
Hogwarts LLewgacy
Alan Wake 2 -
@tsuru Never played any of the first three you mentioned, though I do have Witcher 3. As for AC, the newer RPG style never appealed to me so I just ignored those, I did just start playing AC4 again after not touching it for, uh... about 10 years? I've been playing through the AC games on and off for a bit, but once I got to Liberation I just stopped because the game was crashing so much it was unplayable (PS4 version on PS5), so I just decided to start 4 instead of forcing my way through Liberation when I saw it on my system yesterday.
Cities Skylines is something I bought, started and played for like an hour or two, then never started again. Just couldn't really get into it.
@AlanWade Out of these I've only ever played The Last of Us, which I thought was great when it first came out, I've also thought about buying some of the others like Days Gone, and maybe giving the Alan Wake series a go, but I already have like 20+ different game series in my backlog (yes, series, not games). Dead Island was completely ruined for me when I tried to play one of the older games and the frame rate was so bad it was literally painful to look at, so I never even considered playing 2 as I prefer playing in order if I can.
@viirax Days Gone is good,, although the pace is slower in the start. Dead island 2 is still lying in my library when i got in for free due to upgrading of a graphic card as i prefer 3rd player rather than FPS type.
@tsuru Thinking about it, I think I got DI2 for free from a GPU upgrade as well, though iirc it's on Epic, so I wouldn't even play it without buying it somewhere else anyway.
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@viirax Mario Kart Wii. It's a classic but a good one haha
Seriously is more fun than any other Mario Kart and has an active modding community. I've actually gotten it on my Steam Deck too so if I either feel too lazy to boot up my Wii I can just play it on the go or whenever.
@omglol That's a good one, always preferred it to 8 or 8 Deluxe, especially with CTGP. Thanks for reminding me I need to get that on my Steam Deck, I'll need to see if I can get CTGP to run on Dolphin or not.
@viirax yeah CTGP seriously is the best, and I really prefer Mario Kart Wii over any other Mario Kart, even without mods! I don't think it has any emulator support but one can dream...
Recently, the Ghost of Tsushima was released on PC. I haven't been able to stop playing for a week now.