Vivaldi 6.7 RC 1 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 3329.16/17
Predefined webpanels for Vivaldi Help Pages and Wikipedia lost their icons. Multiple restaring Vivaldi after updated did not help.
Any user having this?
//EDIT: Got the icons back after i visited the addresses in regular tab and restarted. -
@DoctorG said in Vivaldi 6.7 RC 1 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 3329.16/17:
Predefined webpanels for Vivaldi Help Pages and Wikipedia lost their icons. Multiple restaring Vivaldi after updated did not help.
Any user having this?
//EDIT: Got the icons back after i visited the addresses in regular tab and restarted.confirmed the workaround, I had as webpanel, but with default blank favico, opened in a tab and restarted Vivaldi, now the favicon got reloaded also in webpanel.
Thank you!
Downloaded & updated with great hope…
Sniffin' anything could crash it!
Updated, so far so good
Today I had within one and a half hour three crashes.
I upgraded stable version from 6.6. However, the browser cannot be started. I stucks on a black window. I downgraded and everything is works fine.
@greench Wayland? Enabled the Experimental "Ozone" Chromium flag in chrome://flags/ ? If so, try to disable it before updating. (Not running on Linux, so just copying information from a couple of colleagues)
Is the issue resolved now, where we can not change this:
... or have I wait more, to another snapshot?
I can not set from "Enabled with selective inversion of non-image elements" to anything else there, because after changing it and restart ("Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Vivaldi.") the browser to apply the change, it remains on "Enabled with selective inversion of non-image elements".
ps.: Even this command line launch not working anymore:
"...\vivaldi.exe" --enable-features=WebContentsForceDark:inversion_method/hsl_based/image_behavior/none/foreground_lightness_threshold/150/background_lightness_threshold/205
pps.: I already deleted the user data, this not solved the issue, so there is no conflicts there...I continue the further investigatios, when I have time for it. -
What about serious regressions since 6.3? In my opinion, older serious regressions should be more important than newer ones.
a minor glitch. In the internal UI inspector there is an out of bounds message and I would know what it says
Today I had another crash and the Vivaldi window only opens very briefly and closes again immediately.
I tried the log, but your expected point "UI Process abnormally terminates" was not there.I now also have the problem with the stable.
On my device latest Vivaldi Snapshot and Stable crash multiple times a day. I use Vivaldi as my main browser private and at work.
@Icehawk_de Just double checking: You did start the failing run from the terminal window, right?
OTOH, the GUI frame being displayed does indicate that it got further than that line would normally be displayed. Still, running Vivaldi from the command line with the extra argument "--enable-logging=stderr --v=1" might give more information to us if you upload it to a bug report.
You might also look for a time related crashdump, just in case.
@yngve said in Vivaldi 6.7 RC 1 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 3329.16/17:
@Icehawk_de Just double checking: You did start the failing run from the terminal window, right?
Yes. I got an log-file. It is not from the Snapshot. It is from the Stable.
I will do an bug report and insert the file.
VB-106045 -
@Icehawk_de Thanks for the log
I don't immediately notice anything Vivaldi related in that log, not anything that says it crashes, at least.
However, I did notice a number URLs related to extensions, one named ColorZilla, which did report a number of errors to the console (tab was closed), Feedbro, Lastpass, as well as a number of others.
You might want to run tests with those at least disabled, alternatively in a standalone install without the extension, and then perhaps add one extension at a time to figure out if they are related to the problem
Given the actual timing of the messages, I would suggest starting by disabling/removing ColorZilla.
OK. I will try to remove or disable the extensions one by one after a crash. I'll start with Colorzilla.
So I can sort out the less used one.
But a few extensions are essential for me, e.g. Lastpass.
I will report back.
Don't Remove
Just Disable themYou can Run V from Command Line or create a special Shortcut with a Switch
I have disabled all extensions (except Lastpass). I still get unexpected Vivaldi crashes from time to time. But in the moment no corrupt user profile. I can start Vivaldi again and work.