Add a keyboard shortcut for page contex menu
Only found a feature request for tabs context menu, but this is just as useful for fast navigation
@eugenesv On Windows, there is the
Windows KeyMenu Key on standard keyboards. -
unfortunately it's not x-platform and not locally rebindable/composable like a vivaldi native shortcut would be: for example, you could use a single letter shortcut to start a menu selection sequence in a browser which you wouldn't be able to use globally
@eugenesv My mistake. Of course, I meant The Menu Key.
Shift+F10 is the default Windows shortcut for those who don't have a menu key. It is a reserved shortcut that cannot be reassigned. I wonder if it is possible to assign a single-key shortcut to open the context menu.
This opens the context menu. The menu depends on the active element, e.g. here, in a text edit box, it opens the text context menu. When the page has focus, it opens the Page context menu.
Why wouldn't single keys be possible? It's possible to do for the other commands, which is very helpful
On Windows you can rebind the menu key to a more convenient shortcut than Shift+F10, but it'd still be a challenge to match a native one (though there are advanced ways to even detect text fields so you get very closer, but still not match, to single-key Vivaldi-specific keybind)
And then there are other OS...
@eugenesv We will have to wait for someone with more knowledge to see if this possible. I am just guessing that since Shift+F10 is hard-wired to a system command.
Whatever, there is no harm in making a request.
Ah, then that's not an issue, the system reserves the shortcut, but it can't reserve app's functionality just like it can't reserve another shortcut being assigned to the same function