"Force dark theme on all websites" exceptions handling
@barbudo2005 oh sorry. I assumed you were joking because of the "damaging your eyes" bit lol it shouldn't damage your eyes if you keep your environment well lit. Your eyes when adapted to the dark environment will suck too much light from the screen and that's what damages the eyes. Not the light coloured screen itself, or else just living during the day should damage your eyes too... Of course, you should adjust your screen brightness too, because even on dark mode, depending on your screen, that makes no difference to your eyes' health.
But now actually answering your question, for the pages that I would prefer using in their native light colouring, that's just what I would do. I would use them in their native light colouring... I don't get what you didn't get from what I wrote above...
Again, this feature would benefit people who wants all pages in dark mode too, so my use case of having a couple pages on light mode may be irrelevant to you. You could still use the exception list for pages that have their own native dedicated better dark mode.
Another use case for this feature is that I'm a software developer and while testing my software, I want the colours to show up accurately, so
urls would also be an exception. This doesn't affect me as much though as I usually only test on Chrome and Firefox because virtually nobody uses Vivaldi and technically speaking, talking about rendering, it should render virtually the same as Chrome. I may take action on bug report regarding specific browsers, but testing on Chrome usually covers Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave, Yandex, Vivaldi, etc. -
@Pesala thanks for the link. When I saw that on the tags I thought it was referring to right click on a web page. I'll try it out, but I would still rather have the option for an exception in the normal settings for better user experience. Most people don't even know what CSS means and these filters look like a lot of tinkering work that most people won't have the patience to learn.
Just to be clear, my suggestion isn't just to fix "my issue". It's a legit feature suggestion that I think people will benefit from.
But now that I think of it, these filters could work well in conjunction with the exceptions. So you could apply these filters to pages that are listed in the exception list, so you would only need to customize a couple pages and not every page that you come across.
This kinda reminds me of the times when GreaseMonkey was a very popular Firefox extension in the 2000's around here. I'll definitely check these filters out.
Thanks again!
@barbudo2005 thanks for this CSS. I'll try it out on some websites
That code will generate the same problem as using the "Force Dark theme" flag because it is based on invert.
@barbudo2005 thanks for the heads up. It will be a good starting point for studying this feature anyway
The simple flag that comes from Chromium cannot compete with 10 years of development with passion and 4,666 issues generated by users and taken into account by the developer:
@barbudo2005 thanks, I'll take a look on that one too for my personal use, but I still think exceptions should be an option in the browser's offered simple solution.
Of course, exceptions would be an improvement to the simple solution that comes from Chromium.
The underlying problem is that the simple solution is not a good solution.
@barbudo2005 fair enough. I'm pretty sure that for the few people who get bothered by the automatic rendering of dark mode, they will look for an extension. This suggestion isn't targeted to OCD dark mode people. Honestly, the automatic one doesn't bother me too much, but a few pages can get annoying, so I'll check the extension. This feature could also benefit mobile users as mobile don't usually accept extensions (I didn't check for Vivaldi mobile tho)
I know this is an older thread, but just checking in that I'd like this too.
There is a website which I do occasional work on, and
- It doesn't look good in dark mode, and
- I occasionally need to share my screen/take screenshots of WIP/etc., and I have to turn off the global dark mode setting just to do this.
An "exception" list that I could add just this website to (for it to permanently remain in light mode, but just itself) would make my day-to-day work feel much, much smoother.
Until then, seriously considering Dark Reader extension... but yeah having this native option would be great
@Heartkey, until now there is no whitelisting, but you can switch between dark/bright mode with "Ctrl+," or set another key combination if you want. (Keyboard>View)
My settings in Apearence
@Catweazle Yes, thank you for this! Just before you commented I found that I could set Toggle Dark Mode For All Websites to a key combination. I chose Alt+D (D for Dark - made sense to me hah) but yeah you could choose any combination you wanted.
It's still not perfect, I'd still prefer the exception list, but being able to toggle Dark Theming on or off in a fraction of a second with a key combination press definitely goes a long way for my own needs. Thanks again for sharing.
Adding an Exception for the dark mode would be great so that we can turn it on for some websites or turn it off for specific websites.
So a whitelist and blacklist option would be great, which is currently possible in Opera One
@bilallakhany, yes, but you can also switch between Dark/Bright Mode with Ctrl+.
@Catweazle That is true, and I do use the bind to toggle it on or off.
In some cases, I get flashed with bright white color when it's turned off and then have to turn it back on, and on some sites where I don't like the dark effect, I have to turn it back off, which becomes a hassle.
I've also tried extensions such as Dark Reader, but they don't support all pages and are not as good as the browser's dark mode.
About Dark Reader extension:
they don't support all pages..
..are not as good as the browser's dark mode.
@bilallakhany, Dark Reader has better options to customize colors, but I agree that it don't work on intern Vivaldi pages and on some websites, like eg. the Chrome Store.
Vivaldi Dark Mode works system wide and on almost all websites, but don't have options with colors and contrast like Dark Reader. nor whitelists. -
@Catweazle Does the browser extension have the option of customizing colors? I don't actually see the Dev Tools option in my extension on Vivaldi
I could do with not having it work on chromewebstore but if I can change the colors that would help, since I'm not liking the colors chose by Dark Reader