Vivaldi bookmark sync is a mess
Why does it download before uploading? Why wouldn't it upload the current bookmarks before downloading?
After and update, all the Speed Dial changes disappear in a horrible, unorganized mess of multiple duplicate tiles. What's with that?
There are so many unfathomable things this disaster of a sync system makes, it is virtually unusable as it is, considering all of the duplicate after duplicate after duplicate after duplicate.
Every time I get the Speed Dial bookmarks organized the way I want them, a sync messes them up AGAIN. What's with that? It even deletes some of them.
Further to this, I found the following, which kind of undermines the main reason for syncing in the first place:
Syncing custom speed dial icons is a work in progress and, while it is in progress, the storage method for the icons is not yet right - which causes this breakage. The only way to prevent it at present is to turn off syncing of bookmarks.
Say what?
So, basically, it's back to sneakernet to synchronize bookmarks between laptops, since Sync can't even manage to do it on one laptop, let alone several. Good grief.
Jjane.n moved this topic from Forum on
When managing lots of data like Bookmarks or Notes, I edit them on another Profile.When ready,
Delete the target profile B or N, force sync and restart V.
As far as I can, I open another Device, Mobile usually, and confirm the Sync'd Deletion.Once done,
Just Close V and replace the Bookmarks / Notes File.--
Once Vivaldi starts again, it syncs all the "New" Data, both 2 devices are ok with the refreshed Data and any other that opens later, gets the Updated info.--
As a Workaround you could do that,
And always before
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@Peter4321 The dupes are strange indeed, because if they are synced should be the same (deletion happens if you remove something from a synced device).
For speed dial icons, atm the only native workaround is using the (fav)icons which are already synced:
For dupes, this might help but I would logout sync from additional devices before start as Zalek suggested.
I think my only solution is to set the laptops side-by-side and do a comparison to re-do the speed-dial icons, kind of like it's 1998 again. Fortunately for me, I only made the mistake on one laptop. I certainly won't attempt that again.
Talk about a dog's breakfast.
Hi, I use sync since many Years in Vivaldi and there is no mess with it. Sometimes you get doubles but as sync work additive this is better than it remove all doubles.
Backup your Vivaldi data as @Zalex108 mention on your main system.
Resete all remote data with your main system.
All other devices are logged out automatically.
Set up your main system as you need and start sync again.
Start your second device, delete all bookmarks and then start sync.
You get all bookmarks from you main device. -
@mib2berlin Yeah, I don't think so. As soon as someone talks about deleting this or that, resetting data on another system, and setting up this or that, I'm out.
I only wanted my Start Page icons where and how I sorted them. I really don't care about bookmarks now. There are hundreds and hundreds of duplicates that I will have to sort out, thanks to useless syncing software. In any event, my master laptop is just fine, because I didn't sync it. Thank goodness for that.
But thanks for your response. I appreciate it.
Start page icons are bookmarks, called Speed Dials in Vivaldi.
I have no idea why this happen to you, no other user report this lately.Anyway, have a nice day.
Hi Peter, thanks for your entry.
I thought, I am the only one with exactly the same issue as you have described: My (newer) bookmarks on my PC get overwritten by old bookmarks from the sync-server. There is no asking during the sync, what should happen with my local bookmarks in case it is more up-to-date than the one stored on the sync-server. It simply overwrites the local bookmarks with old bookmarks. Thanks for nothing.Instead of being a help, sync just messes it. I don't use sync in Vivaldi anymore.
When Vivaldi is closed on my PC, I sync the entire directory
c:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\
into a created local backup-directory. I use Totalcommander's Sync for this, works fine for me. -
Would be interesting to know about:
- Devices in Sync
- Vivaldi Version on those Devices
- Time interval between devices get back to sync
- Device 1 Windows Laptop with latest Vivaldi Stable
- Device 2 Linux Laptop with Latest Vivaldi Snapshot
- Device 3 Windows Laptop with Vivaldi Stable 6.1
Device 3 connects after 3 Months of inactivity (Vivaldi 6.1)
In between, Sync Server made some additions
The Old device pushes the old Bookmarks version / Duplicates existings
Maybe this scenario would cause that problem.
If so,
The users in this situation will need to add this info to try to find or discard this hypothesis.Maybe a V Team or close member would bring some info about this possiblity.
Although not as strongly related I don't get duplicates when connecting a new device (like my phone) but all my speed-dial entries are removed / reset to default. I did this 4 days apart: Set up Vivaldi on my main machine, set up sync, edit bookmarks, use it. Four days later I install Vivaldi on my phone/tablet, login to sync. Next day I turn on my main machine, open Vivaldi and all my tabs are closed and my bookmarks were gone. As if the sync from my phone wouldn't care. Fortunately I did set up a session backup (I would have been really miffed if my X workspaces with my YYY tabs were lost).