Describe your forum profile's cover image
@Ayespy Umm... You do have one or am I hallucinating?
@jane-n Nope, I do have one. It is stolen from a Linux wallpaper, an image of the wall of a polar underwater ice cave. Nature in the extreme. Fascinating and beautiful.
@jane-n I had totally forgotten I put this up.
@Ayespy said in Describe your forum profile's cover image:
polar underwater ice cave
Is that what it is? Absolutely beautiful indeed.
@jane-n The whole image:
@jane-n I don't think many users will ever see the profile image, but everyone will see the forum profile icon.
Mine is Lord of the Rings related. Rivendell!
Here in Vivaldi I always had a Meerkat as an Avatar, because it is an animal that I like for its behavior.
Recently a user sent me an image of a Meerkat created by AI that I liked and I now use it as my profile image. I also took advantage of it to renew my avatar according to this image.
Really interesting reading everyone's descriptions
I guess mine is obscure enough to warrant an explanation...It's a screenshot of - an index of websites from the early 2000s. Many of these websites are (surprisingly) still functional and give a great insight into the early internet art community.
Probably the most recognizable of these sites is (Webby award 1999), but the one who means the most to me is Micromusic is a community of people who make and (in my case) listen to chiptune/8bit/lofi electronic music. Bleeps and bloops basically, lovely music.
Go there, click on Microradio v2 and enjoy Low Tech Music for High Tech People. This website has basically looked the same for over 20 years - a clear sign of quality web design in my view
The source of the map itself is (of course) the Mbone ca 1994. This is something that needs no explanation and is recognizable to everyone who knows their internet history
Well, there's not much mystery about my image. I like to develop designs and logos, so I created this logo for myself. It's the letters J and F that stand for Jorge Filho, that's my name hehehe...
*and red is my favorite color.
hello jane.n and everyone
made mine, thanks to Tony, smoke-filled, circa 2015 -
On my cover picture you can see a screenshot of the MusicBee music manager and player.
Although I often and happily listen to my mp3's via audio streaming, I use MusicBee from time to time.
MusicBee plays MP3, WMA, OGG and many others, MusicBee can also convert named file formats.
MusicBee supports several Last.FM features, such as Scrobble and Last. FM playlist and more.MusicBee plays podcasts and internet radio and has an Android remote control.
MusicBee is free of charge.
My cover image is a photo of a rainbow after a rain storm, took in place where i am living.
Related to motto: "All is changing".
For me a rainbow shows a variety of colors as i have a variety of abilities in IT and life over the years. -
Hi, some time ago I work a lot in the 3D software Blender.
My avatar is part of a series about nature and technology.
Here is another one.Cheers
My cover image is concept art from Portal 2 depicting a damaged GLaDOS. Portal 2 is one of my favourite games ever, having originally played it and the first game in 2014; the writing, its characters, music, visual identity, and the gameplay of course, left a very strong impression on me back then. Since then, I've been using this particular image almost everywhere online as my cover image.
I have other images of concept art from Portal 2 in my computer, but this one is my favourite of the bunch. In fact, I also use these as wallpapers on my computer's many virtual desktops, where I can witness them in their entirety while no apps are open.
A very nice idea, just ask for it.I like Pablo Picasso.
One of his most impressive paintings is, for me, his work 'Guernica'.It was created after the bombing of the completely defenseless Basque town of Guernica by the German Nazi 'Condor Legion' in the Spanish Civil War to "support" Franco.
The painting hangs today in the UNESCO building, in the entrance to the plenary hall, in New York.
I have been using his 'Temple of Peace' since the Russian government invaded Ukraine.
@Ayespy said in Describe your forum profile's cover image:
I'll probably just keep doing it, as long as I'm able. Too much?
Oh, no, not too much.
Now I just noticed that I didn't have a cover image yet - just added it.
It is a house wall facing a courtyard and is made of old clinker brick around the turn of the century 1899/1900.I love those old walls, be it as a house wall or as a solely standig wall in the environment and where masonry plants like sedum can grow. Even bumblebees or wasps can breed there, if they do so.
Those walls can remain, unless they are not deliberately torn off or unlovingly painted over, for centuries. -
The background image on my homepage was taken on a plane in 2003. At the time I was sitting in a very favourable seat.
My profile picture is a potted orange that my mum grew. She's been gone for three years now and I miss her so much. I love you, Mom!
Profile pictures often have something very personal.