Solved History Forward Restored on Restart
If you restart Vivaldi with Browsing History set to Session Only the Back History is cleared, but the forward history is not.
Do you agree that this is a bug?
Both back and forward history are now cleared if Save Browsing History is set to Session Only, as expected.
@Pesala I tried to reproduce this in a clean profile of 5.5 Stable, but after restarting no history was shown at all. Even with Startup With = Last Session, there was nothing (as history was all cleared including open tabs...)
In fact, with Session Only, looks like no history is being saved at all - which is certainly not how it's supposed to work? Isn't it supposed to save history during the session and then clear it on browser close? Probably a different bug.
Do you have a step-by-step for this? Any specific settings apart from Session Only?
@Pathduck On retesting with the latest Snapshot, I now see that neither the back nor forward browsing history is cleared. I suspect that this is By Design, but it might be a bug. This is what I see for the parent of this current topic.
Back History
Forward History
PPesala marked this topic as a question
Both back and forward history are now cleared if Save Browsing History is set to Session Only, as expected.
PPesala has marked this topic as solved