Sending/Syncing Tabs between devices not working
happy to know that sync cloud works for you.
thank you for pointing me the reading list, this is gonna be helpful for my mobile tabs , it works great on ervery platform. -
@Aluxonne Excellent. In the meantime, there is something broken with your profile - possibly interference from an extension, or maybe some sort of corruption..
@Ayespy said in Sending/Syncing Tabs between devices not working:
If there's a way to access the sync cloud on mobile, I'm not familiar with it.
(ie. on the Tabs view on Android, click the cloud icon at the bottom)
@thomasp Ah. I see that. So, click on the little box that has your number of tabs shown in it, and at the bottom of the page is the cloud icon, and that does display recent (though not ALL recent) tabs from my primary desktop browser.
@hbarwari said in Sending/Syncing Tabs between devices not working:
This is a known issue that's being worked on?
Google's Chromium core broke this. When a easy fix exists, the Vivaldi devs will added it. So we need patience until it will be fixed..
Good news , reading that all works fine with your tabs, i decided to uninstall vivaldi on my windows once again, this time with an auto uninstaller app - uninstallr-
then reinstalled vivaldi fresh new and voila everything works perfectly -
Hi, if no settings and no tabs are synced something is wrong.
I sync several devices on Windows, Linux and Android and all tabs are synced.Open vivaldi://sync-internals
All rows in the table right side should be green or grey.
There is a button Trigger GetUpdates, add a bookmark, hit the button and the Bookmark Counter show +1 bookmarks.
Do the same on the other device and the new bookmark appears.
If this not work a firewall or security software maybe block sync on your systems. -
Looks the same for me more or less.
Sessions are tabs on all devices as far as I know, could this be 36 on your side?
Preferences are the settings synced, it show 236 on my sync-internals.
There was never 100% synced, many settings, workspaces, sessions, themes are not synced, for example.The core issue is the Chromium developer had removed the "Send to device" feature and it will never come back.
Hm, sync work it seams, you should have 3 notes on all devices.
Can you see your devices in the windows panel (Crtl+Shif+W)? -
@hbarwari Sync works here on all my versions, on all my devices.
If you cure sync there, you will still not be able to send tabs to devices, but you CAN use reading list to sync specific tabs.
@hbarwari They do here. You just can't select a tab and "send" it.
If sync is not working for you, something is broken in your profile, or something is blocking it. I wonder if your bookmark syncing app is seizing the port that sync needs to work. Or something like that.
@hbarwari Or, you're not actually properly signed in to sync.
@hbarwari I'm beginning to think your devices are not all signed in to the same sync account. You don't see tabs from other devices, and you don't see other devices in your Window panel, yet all instances report success with sync. Being signed into different accounts would cause those symptoms.
@hbarwari Does one of your devices have basically ALL of the data you want synced?
@hbarwari That being the case, it is safe to enter sync settings on the device you like, tell it to Reset Remote Data, and wait for that to complete. What it will do is wipe out all saved data on the server and replace it with the data from your preferred device. It will also make you choose a new password and/or decryption key. Write these down. Log out of sync on the two remote devices, and log back in using the new credentials. Their data should be replaced with the data from your preferred device. Wait up to an hour to see if the devices can now "see" each other on sync.
Hi again, if it work for all other user it is maybe not a user error but a system issue.
If I remember correctly we had a user cant sync because his ISP block it.
I follow the forum closely and follow the Vivaldi bug tracker and we don't have reports about tab syncing is broken.
It's also a bit strange some parts of sync work but others not, this does not indicate an ISP problem.
To be honest, I have no idea why this not work for you. -
@hbarwari said in Sending/Syncing Tabs between devices not working:
This is quite bizarre.
That would be accurate.
@hbarwari cant tell about the chrome core, but yes i uninstalled vivaldi on my problematic machine with a third party uninstaller in order to remove all traces of vivaldi.
after reinstalling it everything was good .before uninstalling it, i also tried to unsync everything, but it did not change anything for me.
@hbarwari That's just an indication that the instance on desktop thinks it's the only instance logged in to sync.