Tracker and Ad Blocker blocks Instagram oEmbeds
Please note that the standard setting of Vivaldi ("Block Trackers") is blocking embedded (iframes) posts coming from Instagram, which are embedded in a website.example:
the "Vernissage Video" on that page appears as an empty frame with the blocking settings on "Block Trackers" (or higher) but appears well when seen with the "no blocking" setting. (I refer to the "tracker and ad blocking" feature of vivaldi, 3.4.2066...)I have no idea if this is from chromium or from Vivaldi, but I am not the only one experiencing this. On Firefox, this problem does not exist.
Usually there's very little Vivaldi can do about such issues, as the blocker list contents are not controlled by them.
In this case I'd say it's a bug - as there is no reference to blocking
in any of the lists. I've only enabled Easylist and DDG Tracker Radar in my test profile. Unless someone can point out the specific rule that would block this, I'd say it's a bug.Please report it here: -
Thank you!
I verified the situation in firefox, opera and chrome. None show this bug.However, I tested chrome via (a remote simulator of various browsers). It could be that chrome has also this problem, in case it has a similar tracker turned on. In my case, as it was a remote simulation, I have no ideas of that chrome settings.
@Pathduck said in Tracker and Ad Blocker blocks Instagram oEmbeds:
there is no reference to blocking in any of the lists.
Update - I might have been wrong:
"": { "domain": "", ... ], "default": "ignore", "rules": [ { "rule": "instagram\\.com\\/static\\/bundles\\/es6\\/EmbedSimple\\.js\\/171e3f215fd7\\.js" }, { "rule": "instagram\\.com\\/static\\/bundles\\/es6\\/EmbedAsyncLogger\\.js\\/01af3d7c1db8\\.js" }, { "rule": "instagram\\.com\\/embed\\.js" }, { ...
However, the DDG list is badly documented and really opaque, and I have no idea what the "Default: ignore" means in this context. There really should be no need to block embeds like this unless you're stupidly paranoid.
I made a topic a while back about how we cannot make exceptions to the DDG list so we are stuck with whatever DDG decides: -
thanks! This is bad, as you can imagine how many instagram embeds there are in the web, and people using vivaldi (or maybe any chromium based browser) with ad-blockers set up, and not seeing any embedded instagram stuff.I discovered it while testing the oembed on the here mentioned site.
It was also reported by someone else, in a wordpress forum, here:
@horia I don't think it's Chrome or Chromium by default. There is no "tracker and ad blocking level" setting in Chromium and the Insta embed is not blocked.
I suspect those reporting it have installed the DDG list or similar as an extension. A lot of people have, some might not even know or remember it.
So this is a DDG Tracker Radar issue, and so by proxy also Vivaldi because the DDG list is enabled by default when tracker blocking is turned on.
By the way, whoever controls that art site should fix their image embeds, some are loaded over plain http:
So the browser won't show a secure padlock icon -
As an end user it was a confusing experience. I've noticed several times that instagram images weren't showing up on web pages but I thought maybe instagram had changed their policy and decided to force people to visit the site directly. I did google that hypothesis but didn't spend much time researching it and didn't really turn up anything.
Experiencing it again today, I decided to check a page with blocked instagram images in chrome and the images appeared. That's when I made the connection that it might be the built-in blocker which didn't occur to me before. I don't know if there's a good solution but it was confusing.
@Pathduck thanks! Yes, that webpage is... like many others... a mixture of different people doing different things there...
Thank you for your observation and friendly hint!
@horia @browseruser
Same problem here
And I finally found out why:Just cancel the built-in tracker: "DuckDuckGo Tracker Radar" any y'll get the embeds back
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