Gravatar Support for Emails
I've noticed that there is a "Get Gravatar" button in the Contacts panel but it's not currently functioning. It seems, though, that Gravatar support is in the plans, which is great. I liked how Gravatar support was implemented in BlueMail and would suggest that Vivaldi look to BlueMail for inspiration. For instance, I would like to see a sender's Gravatar appear on the left side of the email listing where the Read dot is currently (and taking up both lines in the condensed vertical view). Right now, I see the Read dot as pretty much useless since one has to manually mark an email as read, but if the developers wish to keep a Read indication, perhaps they could incorporate the indication as a ring around the Gravatar. The Gravatar in this position would also break up the monotony in the user interface. Another feature in BlueMail that I liked was that when one would click on the sender's Gravatar, a list of emails sent to and received from that individual, would appear in that panel. This functionality is currently available in Vivaldi but one has to click on the sender in the email view panel. I much prefer BlueMail's implementation. Also, in the email list panel, BlueMail only has the sender's name in bold print, which I think is more desirable as it makes it easier to distinguish from other elements in that panel (and breaks up the UI monotony like the Gravatar does). BlueMail also provides a one-line preview of the email body (in a lighter grey shade), which is rather appealing.
Vivaldi Mail is quite good right now but some work still needs to be done in making it more attractive.