Musical crimes
The world is full of musicians, but unfortunately also full of people who believe themselves musicians, whose works can lead to bets on how long you can listen, without throwing the headphones against the wall.
I open this thread that does not have to be taken very seriosly , with an example of a very famous singer, whose life has even taken to the cinema. -
Still surpassed by this masterpiece (for those who still do not bleed their ears)
My favourite(?): Take on
bleedme ^^, -
Another cover of Chop Suey which is pure terrorism
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@klingeltonkostenlos , better not, if you like your neighbors
Simon's Japanese Fangirl
She did it Her Way.
Jerzy Stuhr - Śpiewać Każdy może
Because I'm not bragging at all, I'm, unfortunately, talented;
translation comes from:,jerzy_stuhr,Spiewac_kazdy_moze.html -
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Ppafflick moved this topic from Chit-Chat on
@Ryszard, Google's anthem, LOL
Smolasty & Doda - Nim Zajdzie Słońce
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My contribution: What's Love Got to Do with It
They've recently played this at work ...
my 10 have already been used up for you today.An interesting thread.
Although there is certainly a difference between strange interpretation, slapstick and the popular parading of people at music shows.
Which always says more about the judges than the singer.