What are you listening to right now?
Асафатов - Заведу кота ( Asafatov - I'll get a cat)
I will get a cat,
He will not betray, will not deceive!
And will not run away,
Even when it happens,
What is in the pockets no money -
Surri - What I Want To Say (2021)
First reply on new page.
Incubation 2:m52s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGmAZUBLqVA -
Claire Hamill - October (1973)
@Ryszard thanks
Durutti Column - Gun - 5m:37s
Luis Carlos Prestes was born on 03/01. On this day, all the pűtins in the word have a look at the bedroom.
Warning: vocals
Incubation 2:m52s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGmAZUBLqVA -
Stiff Little Fingers - Alternative Uster - 3m:16
IRA does not fight for freedom
@Ryszard nice try. what about Euskad Ta Askatasuna (ETA). Also Tamil Tigers