Implement Tree-style Tabs
Just started using vivaldi and disappointed tree tabs are not an option. Stacked tabs on the left side are not cutting it at all.
Otherwise a great browser I would like to continue using! -
Any update on this feature? I tried using Windows pane but it does not have all the options that tabs have. This is a must have feature for me. I keep going back to Edge just because of this feature. I am just going to have to throw in a towel at some point, I guess.
We probably won't have tree-style tabs natively implemented in Vivaldi before we have GTA6
after 6 years and 233 votes... just mark (tag) this as WON'T DO.
@Pesala said in Implement Tree-style Tabs:
This topic was once tagged as WILL NOT DO, but is now untagged.
This post is deleted! -
yes, please
I just discovered hierarchical tabs in Firefox with the Sidebery extension, that would a great addition to Vilvaldi.
The ability to start a dedicated search on a given a tab, open multiples tabs below until the information has been found and close all tabs at once from the original one is incredibly straightforward and practical.
I use the window pane exclusively as my "tabs". But there are definitely features missing that need to be added.
Specifically one of my biggest issues is that I can switch workspaces in the windows pane. Instead everything is just all together.
And if I filter for a tab and select it, but it's actually in a different window. There's no way to control this functionality. It's annoying.
I've been using vertical tabs for ages, and after every update, I edit the bundle.js to allow wider tabs (hard coded 360px is dumb (this topic page...)).
I could totally switch to tree-style layout instead (and edit the max width with every release... as tradition dictates)!