Customize Appearance of Menus and Scrollbars
Customizable or at least additional dark look of context menus and scrollbars (with light font).
Beyond just a dark theme, I think it would be nice if it matched the theme colours.
Hi @asires , as because I was looking for something to customize scrollbars, and I found this thread, I would suggest this addon for all the community, in the meantime. I'm trying right now and it works perfect in Vivaldi (no bugs or issue for the moment). Give it a try
would also love to see the ability to remove certain parts and round the corners of these menues
Make vivladi use it's own built in scrollbar if possible instead of the default chrome scroll bar.
Would make the browser a bit more customizable.
Mod Edit: Large image converted to link.
Threads merged.
Would really like a Dark Mode scrollbar in Vivaldi.
It is 2021--please finish up Vivaldi theme support, which is still unfinished for these parts of the Vivaldi interface...
- drop down menus
- right click menus
- scrollbar
- background tab text color [also with the option to make them dimmer than the active tab]
Please make them use our theme colors, which is especially needed for dark themes.
[bug reported VB-76655]
This really should be part of vivaldi as customise the scrollbar.Not sure i wish to install an addon for this though,
come on vivaldi team! with 60+ votes, and it is now 2021!
would be nice to have the ability to control the density of them too and make them smaller
I came here to share that bright white context menus and scrollbars were the biggest 'theme-breaking' aspects of Vivaldi on my darkened KDE linux system that I want to see fixed.
For those looking for an immediate workaround, I tested a number of extensions and this extension gave me the absolute best scrollbars:
The other scrollbar extension that was linked earlier was horrific - you couldn't even enter a custom color hex code, you were stuck crudely eyeballing a color selection tool to match your theme and I wasn't having it.
If anybody has a work-around for context menus, I would be happy to learn of it.
Vivaldi has had dark context menus for a while now - is this request complete?
nope, vivaldi doesn't have official theme support for dark context menus.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Themes on
this is soo sad, that we have
Powerfull right-click menu but, not
most Appearance customizable !
FireFox can do it with code like this to close up the menu items:
/*** Tighten up drop-down/context/popup menu spacing ***/ menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { padding-block: 4px !important; } :root { --arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 4px 8px !important;
Can Vivaldi consider something similar?
With the release of Chromium 124 with its ridiculous large fonts and wide menu spacing, this feature becomes a MUST HAVE feature, not just NICE TO HAVE
@Pesala Yes. I would like the ability to set the line height menus items not only because wide spacing look ugly but if items were tighter vertically I'd not need to move the mouse as much. This would be so nice when working with long menus like bookmarks.