Auto-Reload Options
Good old Opera was really great there, esp. with all those sited with auto-logout after a certain time.
Just set 'reload every 10 minutes' and pin the tab, and you can come back anytime and instantly get where you want to, without the hassle of having to log in every single time. -
@LonM @NemoAnonymous Both are great ideas, I haven't thought about a block auto reloading, but yes, in some situations this would be necessary. I used the auto reloading function a lot mainly when I need to buy tickets haha. When I was in Opera Blink and Chrome, I used an extension for this.
I can't believe this function is yet not added to Vivaldi. It's dearly missed since the great Opera, and I mainly used it for avoid being logged out from forums and stuff in background tabs.
I found a post of a year ago indicating this was planned.
For me it's THE missing feature; for instance when monitoring a jira ticket an automatic tab refresh every 10m would be great. -
I use this extension in the meantime
blocking auto refresh/reload is indeed a nice feature to have. Currently I have a lot of issues, with news websites where when I read or watch any video the page auto refreshes itself causing me to loose my flow. You cannot imagine how frustrating this is. Moreover, interestingly enough there is not any addon that can help on that. The only one that I was using stopped working some versions ago and since then I have this drama :p... Hopefully, we can see such a feature in vivaldi considering that other browsers, e.g. firefox, opera have it already embedded and the user can enable/disable depending on his preference.
4 months later and still no news...snif
@jvleminc Yes, it's one of the oldest requests with lots of supporters, but there is a lot to be done.
I open several pages and I read something in a page but all pages happen to auto refresh and I hate that so I want to choose auto-reload
I hate to reload the pages again -
I hate auto refresh for pages. I wish you could choose whether the person wants auto refresh or not
Please do that -
I also vote for this. It's especially handy on certain sites (like online banking) to keep you logged in. So please add this option as a standard feature, I rather not use an extension.
This post is deleted! -
@ozoratsubasa, I came here to request the same: Programable Auto-Reload.
Any followup on this? -
That link is broken. Do you have an updated suggestion? -
@mrmeireles sorry, it seems, that the extension isn't availible any longer. But it works and acts normal here, so you have to look for another autoreload extension: refre?hl=en&_category=extensions
I'd very much like to stop pages auto-refreshing (especially some news sites that keep refreshing within seconds making it very uncomfortable to read.
This extension might do this if I can enter a value (something like "*.*" that will cover for any URL for its "Auto Start" setting: other suggestions to block autorefreshing?
@Sadi58 A quick and dirty method is to save the web page as an image, close the web page and open the image.
@Pesala very dirty
Thanks anyway.
I've found another method to try:
Tools > Developer Tools > Console:window.onbeforeunload = function(){ return 'Reload?';}
They say it will prompt once and then leave you alone.
@LonM 1 year later, still this easy to implement function is not present. The developers are joking right? What can we do so we can make this happen?!