Solved Restore last session
Probably had two browser windows open and first closed the one with many tabs ... I have the following large files in the Default folder:
Last Session
Last Tabs
Session Storage/014330.ldb
Session Storage/MANIFEST-000001Is it possible to restore from any of those the window session with many tabs?
1. Download the Chromagnon tool, unzip & put the Last session/tab files into it
2. Download & install Python 2 (the 2nd version)
3. Launch CMD, navigate to your unzipped Chromagnon tool & run:python "Current Session" > current_session.log OR python "Current Tabs" > current_tabs.log
The tabs' urls are exported together with the history of each tab.
don't you see them in the trashcan (upper right)?
I didn't look there at the time and there isn't anything now - can anything be restored from the files listed?
...or the folder 'Session Storage'?
There's a large "Last session" and a large "Last tab" file that remained from before accident, as well as a few backup files in the "Session storage" directory - can one at least read their contents ?
1. Download the Chromagnon tool, unzip & put the Last session/tab files into it
2. Download & install Python 2 (the 2nd version)
3. Launch CMD, navigate to your unzipped Chromagnon tool & run:python "Current Session" > current_session.log OR python "Current Tabs" > current_tabs.log
The tabs' urls are exported together with the history of each tab.
Cool, thanks for the link.
cool, i understand nothing after 2., how do i make it work ? :V -
@med1an1ck said in Restore last session:
1. Download the Chromagnon tool, unzip & put the Last session/tab files into it
2. Download & install Python 2 (the 2nd version)
3. Launch CMD, navigate to your unzipped Chromagnon tool & run:python "Current Session" > current_session.log OR python "Current Tabs" > current_tabs.log
The tabs' urls are exported together with the history of each tab.
Hi. What do you mean by 1. "... put the Last session/tab files into it"? Put them where? In the Chromagon folder?
I also have Python 3.5 installed, is it necessary to run exactly version 2?
- Copy the files ["Last Session","Last Tabs"] from
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default
to the directory where you saved the Chromagnon tool. - Run this:
"python "Current Session" > current_session.log"
- And or this:
"python "Current Tabs" > current_tabs.log"
- I then you put the files in
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\Session Storage
- Profit
- Copy the files ["Last Session","Last Tabs"] from
@Med1aN1ck said in Restore last session:
Python 2 (the 2nd version)
Hello. Sorry, if I have to post in the old thread. Have exactly the same problem.
Where do you get the Python 2 (the 2nd version) for download?
There are many versions here:
Could anyone help me, please.
Have the version 2.7.15 installed.
How does that work with the commands exactly?
I think I'm doing something wrong.
Your first command is missing the spaces that separate the parameters.
Your second command has a trailing " that shouldn't be there.That said:
- Did you navigate CMD to the folder containing the .py scripts (where you are in your second screenshot) before trying to run the command?
- The Last Session and Last Tabs file should probably be in the same folder as and, not within the chromagnon folder you have highlighted in screenshot 2.
Thank you very much for your detailed help.
A very nice forums moderator
Problem has been successfully completed.
@LuigiTheHunter Ported to Python 3, run them, put to that folder. Nothing happened.
@Gwen-Dragon Nope. You need to port those scripts to Python 3.
i followed the instructions and got the current_session.log and current_tabs.log files, looks good, then i tried to
I then you put the files in "C:\Users%username%\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User...
but nothing happens, no session or tab is restored after a restart and i dont see any menu that would do so.
Hi Gwen,
the export via the python tool worked fine, i just don't know what to to with these files - how to import them back into Vivaldi - as just putting them in any session folder did nothing and the format doesn't look like any of the other files.
Hi Gwen,
isnt it
User Data
instead ofUser/Data
? But i already copied the files there, i start up Vivaldi and it doesnt restore anything, all that shows up is the tab with this forum. I also tried to delete the Current/Last Tabs and Current/Last Session files first, but no difference. I dont think its a file naming mismatch as i copied the python CMD commands from here. -
thx for caring.
i just came up with an individual solution: after exporting the Current Session file with the python script, one could just use this PHP script to convert it into a bookmark file that can be imported back into Vivaldi
<?php $log = file_get_contents('current_session.log'); $lines = explode("\n", $log); $i = 0; foreach($lines as $line){ if(strpos($line, 'SetTabWindow') !== false){ $i++; } if(strpos($line, 'http') !== false){ $tabs[$i] = substr($line, strpos($line, 'http')); } } $tabs = array_unique($tabs); echo '<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <!-- This is an automatically generated file. It will be read and overwritten. Do Not Edit! --> <TITLE>Bookmarks</TITLE> <H1>Bookmarks</H1> <DL><p>'."\n"; foreach($tabs as $tab){ echo '<DT><A HREF="'.$tab.'">'.$tab.'</A>'."\n"; } echo '</DL><p>';
i used it like
php log2bookmark.php > bookmarks.html
maybe that helps anyone.