Tree Tabs
@riddle44 Hi, Try now with Tree Tabs 2018.11.02 - from my google drive. I forgot to put "generic" manifest.json file that works with both Vivaldi and Opera. I also pushed nightly to gitlab right now.
As for disordered tabs, I think I solved it some time ago. What was your previous version that you were running? -
@kroppy This might be useful if reliably storing data for TT in the browser is part of the challenge... No connection, but I'm about to use it on another project...
@kroppy Just lost all my folders again when an external app triggered Vivaldi to load by opening a URL (as the default browser). Emergency backups did nothing (refreshes the list of tabs, but doesn't put any folders back). It looks like all tabs are there, and the small number that were nested are still nested, but not a single folder is recovered :(. I'm using 1.8.0 according to the Extensions page.
Load and merge of the auto-saved session from earlier today did recover most things. A few tabs weren't put back where they came from, and the ordering of tabs within folders is a bit randomised, but no more than usual :).
@dsl101 Too bad it still happens, I did a tiny update where I delay start of the background script until first request is sent from the panel. I hope it will help a little
BTW are you able to save sessions and groups from panel? Since update to Vivaldi 2.2.1350.4 it started to block save dialog (again). It works when I open web panel in a tab, so I have no idea what is gong on this time... -
@riddle44 Should be fixed, grab the latest nightly
@dsl101 Too bad it still happens, I did a tiny update where I delay start of the background script until first request is sent from the panel. I hope it will help a little
BTW are you able to save sessions and groups from panel? Since update to Vivaldi 2.2.1350.4 it started to block save dialog (again). It works when I open web panel in a tab, so I have no idea what is gong on this time...I will grab the update and see if it makes a difference next time I forget to start V first :).
I haven't been able to export sessions since V 2.1, but as you say it does work in a full tab. I don't get a save dialog though, just a straight download but maybe that's because I have V configured not to prompt for location when downloading a file.
Just lost all my folders again to an external URL launch of Vivaldi, using TT 1.8.3. I was able to 'load and merge' a recent autosave, and that brought most folders back, but missed one in particular.
So I tried to create that missing one; the new folder dialog opens, and I can type the name, but clicking OK or pressing enter does nothing. I closed and reopened V, and the folder was there but called 'untitled'. I tried renaming it, but again the rename dialog wouldn't close either.
I tried reloading TT (via the 'Show Mobile / Show Desktop' options in the panel menu), and I have managed to get the folder renamed. I did this by creating a new folder (it comes in as 'untitled' regardless of what I type in the dialog). Then I rename it, and then create a second new folder (which will end up as 'untitled') and then reload TT. The first folder will now have the correct name. Phew. I'm sure it's not supposed to be like that :).
@dsl101 I was replacing all document.getElementbyId with D.getElementbyId to shorten all lines and one particular line didn't replace for some reason. I rechecked everything and should be fixed in 1.8.4. Sorry for inconvenience.
I was thinking maybe I should make some kind of button to start tree tabs inside panel... At start you would see empty page with load button. this way we could avoid loading backgraound script before Vivaldi loads correct windows from previous session. Just and idea. What you think? -
@kroppy Yes, folder naming working fine again now, tx.
Since TT normally loads fine, adding an extra step seems like it would be an annoyance for most of the time, which would be a shame. Is it possible to diagnose exactly what causes the problem when V is loaded via a shell
request, rather than by running it directly? In fact, are you able to reproduce what I see? It happens 100% of the time for me so far.On that note (of minor annoyances), could TT start without any of the toolbars open? It doesn't remember the state of that, and I usually want as much vertical space as possible...
@kroppy Yes, folder naming working fine again now, tx.
Ok! Great
Since TT normally loads fine, adding an extra step seems like it would be an annoyance for most of the time, which would be a shame. Is it possible to diagnose exactly what causes the problem when V is loaded via a shell
request, rather than by running it directly? In fact, are you able to reproduce what I see? It happens 100% of the time for me so far.Yup I can reproduce it. Unfortunately browser does not give any info how it started. Probable cause is that it starts extensions before it even loaded previous session. It does not happen in Opera or Firefox, although Firefox sometimes fails to load session and I had to make precautions for that, but it wasn't that hard, because when "about:sessions" is open, it usually means it failed and I can stop my extension from doing any mess. I have no means to do that in Vivaldi.
Only way that came to my mind would be to make an additional step by user, or for example load panel and disable saving, until something happens, after that reload it, and load previous data.
It would cause a weird flicker, but better then how it's now.On that note (of minor annoyances), could TT start without any of the toolbars open? It doesn't remember the state of that, and I usually want as much vertical space as possible...
Oh it should remember, I will look into that!
EDIT: from my tests it does remember, I will test further. Maybe after few more restarts... -
@nononoooo I hear you guys, but I have no idea why it's not starting in the last Vivaldi... This "Aborted" message is not made by TreeTabs, it's something from Vivaldi, I'd like to hear from Vivaldi devs what changed and how to unblock my extension
Using your extension for some time, maybe there is room for other features?
Sure thing
- Do you want it "act" on the same level? when you click inside the tree?
- ok, I will add it when I have time, since it's easy to do
- Yes, I have it on my TODO list. I made new code for menu items for the time being, so in the future I will be able to move/remove menu items. Next will be to make the options page part and then save/load in background script. Not soon, but it will come.
@kroppy Hello Knoppy,
Many thanks for your awesome work, the extension is of great quality! Indeed there is nothing I'm missing from the Firefox one, this is really appreciated given the amount of work you have put in it, it can be felt while using it.
I'm having an issue with a new installation: started fresh installing latest Vivaldi 2.2.1388.37 (Stable channel) (a 64 bit) and Tree Style Tabs 1.8.6 Vivaldi version.
Once I've set it up I have 2 issues:
- Major one is that disabling the "Show Groups toolbar on new Windows" will immediately turn the sidebar blank and nothing I do will restore it back to show the tabs, unless I uninstall the extension and re-add it again. I can reproduce it if needed!
- Second major is that if I avoid doing the above, but simply restart the browser it will remain on a "Starting up" blank sidebar, below some logs:
where: _generated_background_page.html
at: for (let loadedWin of LoadedWindows) {
error: TypeError: LoadedWindows is not iterable
Stack: background_vivaldi.js:37 (Object.callback)Thanks again for your amazing work!
Matteo -
@asdrubale88 Ciao Matteo, vedo che hai 1.8.6, ma il fix per questo è nella versione 1.8.9, che ho già caricato su google drive mercoledì scorso. Prova con quella e dimmi se il problema persiste. Intanto preparo 1.9, con un paio di altri fix per il "manager" delle sessioni, che migliora un po' performance, perciò scarica per adesso la 1.8.9, e poi dai un occhiata fra un paio di giorni (probabilmente a natale), magari sarà già pronta la 1.9.
Ti auguro buon Natale -
Hello @kroppy,
I have the newest version of the extension, 1.8.9 and I am still seeing the same errors after a restart of Vivaldi.
Edit: After completely uninstalling and reinstalling Vivaldi, the errors have gone away.
Edit again: Issue occurs if startup is set to anything but restore last session in Vivaldi settings.
If you don't use Vivaldi's session, try turning on in Tree Tabs Options "Discard tree structure after browser's restart, this option is for those who don't use browser's session. Basically it disables loading database at startup."
in Global section -
@kroppy After making this change and switching away from use last session, still gets stuck at starting up, and presents those same errors.
@Recnamoruen Ok, I think I found where the problem is. Can you check out the latest nightly? file name is: Tree Tabs
EDIT: Link,
Works perfectly, errors are gone, and seems to be the fastest I've seen it load since I've started using it. Thank you.
@Recnamoruen Good, I will upload stable soon
I'm making some touch-ups in manager's logic. In this nightly version, loading session unloads tabs too fast, killing them. I'm making a fix, I will upload it in few hours or if I can't make it tonight, tomorrow.