Tab stack tiling, on demand plugins in tabs, more mouse gestures, better import and a more snappy UI
i'd love to see this work as "quickly press RMB then LMB", than current (and currently broken) behavior which is "press RMB, don't release it, then press LMB".
Confirmed… I also have this problem sometimes...
You Sir, are my Hero !
I Second all of them… -
Favicon is not visible anyway during loading process (it's either empty or "default" globe icon).
Yes… This is another problem associated with the "Empty Tab Title" Problem...
I'm on a OS X 10.10, and when I press CMD+M, I get toolbar just like in windows. That is, I've got top navbar (File, Help, etc.) doubled. If anyone here reads this and is using mac as well, test it out. Funny
pining them is also waste of time if you think you will close them in the near future
according your ideology
no offence here, but some of us do not close tabs by "x" (as me). And close it otherwise is as easy as with other tab. and in a rush it happens that you close something you didn't want to close.
Confirmed! Windows 7 32 bit with Vivaldi upgraded instance the gestures is doesn't works. But! Ctrl+Tab is work well.
NO. you don't have to stack tabs to have tiles of them
and that's the perfection of these tiles.
just select tabs (using CTRL+LMB - by click, click, not by dragging) and beside "group selected" there is also "tile selected".
(though, it's still hard to recognize which tabs are tiled when doing it this way) -
what the… I can see that you are from Czech (as I am) and since I do translations of Vivaldi to Czech I'm bit confused by your post
just switch to Czech language instead of English and in our language it's translated so clear that you just can't miss it!
Is there any chance to have urlfilter.ini back?
Two more discrepancies of this kind that I can see are:
4. Moving by cursor left-right in address and search bars works in the FRESH instance, while it does not work in the UPGRADED instance - the cursor is stuck in one place.
5. Pressing Enter in text field seem to work fine in the FRESH instance, while after pressing Enter in a text field cursor disappears and mouse click is required to have it back in the UPGRADED instance.
Little bug: Often i can not enter a webadress (or word in search box) by pressing Enter key
If I clear History, the speed dial thumbnail images is missed, and the reloading doesn't work well
Yes, can confirm.
You have to reload it manually -
history in trash has no icons.
The PPAPI pepperflash plugin is not intended to work with Linux 32bit . It is for 64bit only.
I was wrong there is a 32bit version of pepperflash plugin. Hoevever, It is not readily available in all distro repositories.
Ok thanks, they don't work on a touchpad, right?
But if I reload manually, only a few thumbnail refreshing, and the other thumbnail doesn't reloading. If I restart the browser and continue the manually refresh, a few thumbnail refreshing and I may restart again the browser.
If I refresh more than 20+ thumbnail manually. Vivaldi is crash and shut down
138.7 is an internal build. You will not succeed in downloading it. 138.4 is the last one that's accessible to you.
With fresh install on Windows 7 32 bit. Vivaldi doesn't save the usernames and passwords.
If I open an Video on youtube. Vivaldi is crashing and shut down.