Tab stack tiling, on demand plugins in tabs, more mouse gestures, better import and a more snappy UI
There is a problem with stacked tabs context menu using multiple screens. Menu is shown only on my main screen, athought I have been using second second screen. Also it is cut due to the fact the top edge of the main screen is not detected.
Link to screenshot -
BUT, in order to be a labour saver, the button needs to be located somewhere in the main UI window, not inside of a sidebar or a menu, nor inside of another tab or window.
I always have my bookmark panel open so in my case it would be one click to the bookmark manager. Actually putting the button in a few places would not hurt at all.
BTW, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool non-sidebar panel user.
I won't hold that against you …
Oh, and where is that forum thread of yours ?
I could see all my posts. I didn't check if I can see about viewing all of other's posts.
EDIT: When clearing %vivaldi%\Profile\Default\Local App Settings\ the mouse gestures work again.
Pity that it is not possible to embed images in the comments. Any chance it will be possible??
This does not seem intuitive or possible to upload an image and embed it in a post forum in one go. What path have you went through to embed the screenshot?
In the forums, after you "add file" in the attachment dialog, you use the "insert" option. As for the blog, I don't see how one would add an image here.
I'm amazed about the pace of the development. I used the old Opera for years and didn't want to change after Opera implemented Blink. The only thing I really missed was the tab stacking but I stuck to it.
I found Vivaldi and use it sporadically and was very pleased to see the tab stacking. And now I notice how many really new features you implement with this tremendous speed. Tab stack tiling is something useful and I certainly will use it in the future.
If I could use extensions, I just need uBlock or uMatrix, I would take Vivaldi as my main browser. The Opera team is unfortunately not able to develop new features in an acceptable time frame.
Keep the good work up and the first stable version will be awesome! -
Feature request: Insert text from saved note.
If I Right click in a text area I want to select a saved notes and insert it to the area.
Anyone agree with me?
Yeah. I can see that they are neither drag-and-droppable nor there is a context menu entry. It would be useful to have both possibilities (as it was in TheRealOpera).
Tab stack tiling is something useful and I certainly will use it in the future.
You do not even have to stack tabs to tile them! These are two seperate functions.
Just select any tabs holding Ctrl and choose tile option from the tab's context menu! -
Yes, it works. Thank you. I think it was recently added, as I do not recall it being there even a week ago… But I might have missed it.