Vote for your favorite extension
This extension is very good! Makes you put a link on hold, the link only loads when you click the tab!
Use it a good time! Until then I only used it in Firefox, I always wanted it in Chrome and Vivaldi! (I hope that one day Vivaldi can have this native function, has requests already ...)I did not know that the developer also created a version for Chrome, very good! (Of course, it's not as complete as the Firefox version, but it still works fine)
Firefox - Open Link in Silent Tab
Chrome - Open link in new discarded tab -
@JuniorSilva30 said in Vote for your favorite extension:
Until then I used this extension!
Now I moved on to this, the better.- Popup my Bookmarks
Reading List
Temporary bookmarks -
Cookie Autodelete (like Firefox's Self-Destructing cookies)
A lightweight alternative for "Magic Actions for YouTube", is the userscript "YouTube+", it offers most of the same functions (except for dark-mode) -
A simple menu to enable, disable and access options of extensions.This has been requested as a feature in the Suggestions/Feedback thread for Vivaldi.
@magichimp Haha, samme here.
@gaelle FWIW, used to install Last Pass before anything, but they seem to be a little less 'user friendly' these days so I tried Bitwarden;absolutely brilliant and worth a try as a totally open source, highly secure password manager, and the premium version is value for money as well.
Oh, & Instapaper too -
@magichimp Have u tried Imagus? Test it... U won't go back
Toby extension -
already posted, see -
The bestapp to move freely by all Vivaldi local forums