Opening workspaces from synced devices via Panel->Windows->Synced Tabs
Lets assume I have two synced devices A (master device VZELL-LAP in the following screenshot) and B and I want to open all tab-stacks from a workspace on device A on my device B.
Right now this is possible from the "Synced Tabs"-Cloud Icon by going to <Device> -> <Workspace Name >-> Open All
The same thing is NOT possible from Panel -> Windows -> Synced Tabs -> <Device> -> <Workspace Name> -> Right Click -> Open in a New Windows ... the last option can't be selected
Is this an oversight / bug ?
Another thing that bugs me ... In the "Synced Tabs" view via Panel->Windows the Tabs-Stack names on the remote device are shown whereas under the "Synced Tabs"-Cloud Icon they are all shown with the generic name "Stack"
Could this made symmetric ... so instead of the generic name "Stack" can the real Tab-Stack names be shown ?
Thx for consideration and for a great product....