Auto-close inactive panel option for each panel
Auto-close inactive panel option for each panel.
@JackAngel99 The feature already exists. Right-click on a panel to set its options.
@Pesala I can see only "Floating Panel" menu.
I don't see "Auto-close inactive panel" menu. -
@JackAngel99 Set Autoclose Inactive for all panels, and then disable it for those you want to remain open on focusing the page.
@Pesala This setting will disable panel floating. Of course Autoclose Inactive Panel will not work, it works only with floating panels.
I want some of my panels to float and autoclose and some panels to float and not autoclose.For example:
When i'm using bookmarks panel, i don't need it to stay open after i opened bookmark.
When i'm using windows panel, i need it to stay open while i'm closing tabs. When autoclose is active, if i close active tab, panel closes also. -
@JackAngel99 When I open my Notes Panel, it stays open until I manually close it, or choose another panel. You could do the same with the Windows Panel.
@Pesala Yes, i can do the same.
But this part of the forum called "Desktop Feature Requests". So i'm requesting. -
@JackAngel99 Yes, but the feature already exists.
Set Autoclose for all panels, then turn it off for individual panels that you don’t want to close on removing the focus.
@Pesala I can do this only by stopping panel to be floating panel.
I can not do it with floating panel.