Vivaldi 7 | New Layout & User's Disagreements
| Vivaldi 7 has got a revamped User Interface Layout.
This thread is to share and contain all those points of view from users that disagree with the new design.
Anyone interested on suggest changes, please refer to Feature Requests
The opinions are welcome keeping the respect for the Vivaldi Team and its users.
Code of Conduct Reminder
For anyone interesed on revert back the New Layout / Design.
Guide | V7 | User Interface
Thanks as well.
I really don't get why these people seem compelled to slowly convert this browser from a formerly reliable and refreshingly plain looking "work horse" into an (at least per default) convoluted, unusable mess with optics that I can only see appealing to literal children. There hasn't been a single layout change in the last 2+ years that didn't make me groan and instantly think about a rollback and/or finally quitting Vivaldi for good, even if it happened to not break any extension for a change. Not a single of these changes made even remotely sense for power users or Desktop users.
At least it is possible to deal with this for now...
Being a software developer with 20+ years in the industry myself, I'd really love to hear the rationale for all of this. If it even goes beyond "If we don't constantly change random stuff despite nobody asking for it we might lose our jobs", that is.
Sorry for the rant, but this is highly frustrating if you just want a browser that works, nothing else.
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Right. These are changes for change sake as opposed to improving anything.
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@jerry7 its another option in a world full of options
@mikeyb2001 It certainly is and one of those options is called Brave.
i really hope they add the ability to change this in settings. i've never touched CSS (or really most forms of coding/programming) but i'm genuinely considering staying up for another hour or two (it's 2 AM and i made the horrible mistake of wanting to update vivaldi before i went to sleep...guess i learned my lesson) just to learn how to do this without making the whole browser break/crash.
i left opera for vivaldi for the exact same reasons i'm awake now: unnecessary, frustrating, and frankly unappealing looking UI changes because "why not?". here's hoping the speed dial doesn't get merged/replaced by the dashboard.
Maybe, just maybe, for the future updates Vivaldi should stop forcing new designs on already installed browsers?
Though i understand, if some users might want this new ugly design, i think most of people would want to keep the UI they became accostomed to? Vivaldi is all about customizations, so getting thing changed would be infuriating for people who spent hours on tailoring their setting for theoir own preferences.
Just a last one: Why not make all these changes opt-in instead of opt-out? Or at the least offer to reset / explain new settings upon update & restart ? You as Devs/Mods know all the settings and which ones are introduced with an update, anyone who just wants stuff be be consistent doesn't (and should not need to).
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points of view:
- it is ugly
- it looks like a button detached from its content, not The Tab
- it takes too much extra space that becomes useless. If you have a lot of tabs that wasted space could be asily attributed to having more tabs(especially on big screens)
- this was forced onto users, even for those of us who spent hours of making the UI suited for them(Vivaldi is supposed to be about customizability, so please do not take our customizations from us with forced updates)
@SebSebsensen said in Vivaldi 7 | New Layout User Disagreement:
You as Devs/Mods know all the settings and which ones are introduced with an update
Wrong assumption - No, we helpers do not know about all changes and which ones come with a update.
Do not blame helpers for things Vivaldi Design Team changed. -
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@okurok Full ack. Changes are not nice for some users.
But that is my private opinion. -
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@SebSebsensen how exactly are they responsible for your lack of attention to detail? how is this comment even helpful or contributive to the discussion? you misplaced the comment to the wrong person. own it and continue on with your grievances.
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It seems like this topic has completely derailed
Let's get back to the point.- Some people like it, I'm not one of them;
- A lot of space is being used;
- Tabs look like buttons;
- It's not a theme (or is it?);
- It's forced on update;
The thing that needs to be (somewhat) worried about is that it can be very off-putting to some of the new users or people that look for a different browser and see this "childish/non-professional-looking-layout-coloring".
@xef said in Vivaldi 7 | New Layout User Disagreement:
@SebSebsensen how exactly are they responsible for your lack of attention to detail? how is this comment even helpful or contributive to the discussion? you misplaced the comment to the wrong person. own it and continue on with your grievances.
The guy made three consecutive, now deleted posts in the other thread and one of them told people in bold/CAPS to not abuse the thread etc. pp.
Maybe this forum is different, but I've been on message boards as owner/admin/mod and normal user since the 1990s and it is 99% mods and admins and not ordinary users who do that.
Anyways, since the guy has now proudly blocked me for my apparently pain-inflicting observation (probably counts as violence, even) I guess that he is just doing it too feel more important than he is. Sorry for not living here.
@SebSebsensen I have run communities for decades up to the current day, maintaining a partnership and monetised community with around 300k user reach on every major platform - I can speak from personal experience when saying users setting a tone on a platform is far from unheard of or unusual. perhaps your experience does not represent as large of a sample size as you believed it did.
again, feel free to go back to your original point and discussing your disagreement with software functions rather than whatever this is. but while we're still here- you seem to be a bit confused by the responses you've gotten so far, so let me do you a favour and explain a basic fact in life: behaviour is a function of its consequence. if you are getting a particular response from others, you should look internally and try to find out that reason.
I do not live here, as seen by my profile contributions. no need to offload your responsibilities onto me or anybody else next.
@xef said in Vivaldi 7 | New Layout User Disagreement:
again, feel free to go back to your original point and discussing
How very generous of you, thank you so much.
You keep setting the tone together with the other dude, I'm out.I am sure you'll find enough other people you can tell how to behave, just make sure that the topics you "allow" them to use aren't locked before you do