Start Page Dashboard enabled – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3494.33
Regarding VB-110217, I think it should be a matter of preference and I'll give you an example supporting the old behaviour: my Speed Dial has 7 columns, and the second item on the first row is a folder with 4 or 5 items; the second item in that folder is a site that I visit often. Previously I was able to click the folder to open it, and then immediately click again without moving the cursor to open the site; now this is not possible since all of the items are shifted to the centre (and it could be even misleading in a way - because another site could be at the cursor position when the folder opens).
A temporary workaround for me would be to just pad that folder with useless things until it has at least 7 items (or to play around with the CSS), but ideally there should be a toggle that switches between this new behaviour and the old one. Should I log a feature request, or are you guys considering it already?
Edit: CSS override that restores the old behaviour:
.dials-wrapper { margin-left: 22px !important; margin-right: 22px !important; max-width: none !important; }
@npro: Good. I also use KDE Neon. But at work, I have to use Windows 11. So, it would be useful for me, but nothing that would be a huge need. It would just be useful.
It's a beauty, testing constantly.
@sjudenim: The addition of “Title:” is a security measure, to prevent not-paypal.something to pretend to be the famous dotcom payment service.
@kocho: In-Progress.
I seek advice on a very curious matter happening in my email inbox. There is one email that is "stuck" in the COMMON unread bin, i.e. where all the unread messages form all of my accounts are included. It cannot be trashed, archived or even marked as read. It doesn't have any content, though I recognize that it was really received and it had content at that time. Since it came from my gmail account I went directly there (to gmail via my vivaldi browser) and it is not existent! It must have been deleted. I cleared all messages of that particular date. I even went to local files->vivaldi->default->mail and deleted all data of that date from all the subfolders. Nothing! It is still stuck in my COMMON unread bin. And I say COMMON because it does not exist in that particular account's inbox (in vivaldi). So I have an "uread" message that is not in my gmail account (directly accessed from the browser) or in my vivaldi's gmail inbox section, but only in my COMMON inbox (in the unread section). Any ideas of how I can get rid of it?
@nutcracker Maybe by moving it to the trash, and delete it from there? At least this helped me in some situations were I had the same problem.
If that doesn't help, the only thing that helped was deleting the mail server in Vivaldi (in Settings / Mail) and to put him back there, whereby everything was rebuilt and the not deletable emails disappeared because they didn't exist.
@thot: So you say that I have to remove the gmail account from Vivaldi and re-create it. Let's say that it's the last thing I can do. But what about replacing the mail segment of my desktop profile with the one created in my laptop? In my laptop I also have Vivaldi mail as my default mail client and have created the exact same accounts with the same settings. Vivaldi mail in my laptop is also updated with all the mails from every account. So if I replace the "mail" folder in my PC with the one from my laptop (C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\Mail) wouldn't that solve the problem too?
Hi, I guess nobody ever try this but you can simply rename your existing folder and then copy your laptop folder over.
You may have to delete the existing mail data base and rebuild the mail search data base, no idea.
The mail data base is in:
\Default\Storage\ext\ mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli -
@nutcracker said in Start Page Dashboard enabled – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3494.33:
So you say that I have to remove the gmail account from Vivaldi and re-create it.
Yes, that’s how I did it a several times (not with gmail) if everything breaks, because my Mails are on the Mail-Server, which then are recreated.
@daniel said in Start Page Dashboard enabled – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3494.33:
@sjudenim: The addition of “Title:” is a security measure, to prevent not-paypal.something to pretend to be the famous dotcom payment service.
What is the vulnerability? How can links that we enter be something else? Would that not be the case in adding panels then as well?
Would appreciate some clarity, thanks
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