@Catweazle There are many reason for keeping it secret that have compiled over time making it more awkward and embarrassing the longer this has gone on.
First off the Pentagon cannot and will not ever admit that they are not in charge of USA airspace.
We see a good example of that when Britain (twice) successfully nuked USA cities during past wargames intended to show off American superiority.
This was kept a deep dark secret for many years, because if the public knew that all that expensive equipment and training could be worthless if the enemy don't fight the way you want them to.
Did the US military learn from having their ass spanked ?
No, they did the same formations and tactics in the next wargames, so Britain once again made them look ineffectual by fighting small and clever while USA relied on large scale.
Always reminds me of the Death Star run. A large attack will fail but a few smaller fighters could sneak through.Next issue is the criminality involved in all this, which is why the secrets are always given a 70 year period before release.
With every crime committed they have to push it back 70 years again, to allow for the perpetrators to age and die so they cannot be questioned in court.Then we have the international criminality of the Pentagon, where if any craft land in another Country it gets stolen and ends up in USA.
Then we have the issue of to hide all this the Gov decided to make use of private companies so certain stuff could be kept away from freedom of information requests.
Then there is the weird situation that USA has where the Department of Energy is part of the military so that any material related to nuclear energy is automatically considered a national secret.
This is not normal in countries that the Gov is split from business, but is normal for Communist and Fascist countries where Government controls all business and the means of production.Then we have the stupid patent system being used to try to own the technology so others cannot.
Because you cannot patent something you reverse engineered, you have to independently invent your own version of something.
This puts us in the situation where the Pentagon have reverse engineering projects with technicians, and separately have physicists like Salvatore Pais trying to invent the concepts and claim patents on behalf of the military.
Because of compartmentalisation they avoid putting everyone together so the technology can be understood quickly, and so here we still are only able to make prototypes with parts taken from originals that get brought down.
(Personally I think this tech should not be allowed to be patented, because it is in Humanities best interest for it to be public domain. USA would patent fire if it could).We also have a big problem with the fact that the global reserve currency is the Dollar, or more precisely "the PetroDollar".
Our global currency is linked to the price of oil and energy, so allowing any tech to hit the market which affects the price of energy will collapse the global economy.
If we were still using the gold standard this wouldn't be such an issue.In simple terms, under no circumstance must the world find out that the USA is not the big dog in the yard.
Australian institute funds research into UFOs and unexplained phenomena
Cutting-edge observation facilities, rigorous scientific research, and peer-reviewed data are among the aims for an Australian institute wanting to better understand unidentified anomalous phenomena — UAP.
I said in UFO/UAP News:
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