hi yeah, I know I can click on the image to resize it, but I would prefer for there to be an option to set the default display method as: 'display original'. If I then want the image shrunk to fit the window I can always click on it to have that happen.
Setting of default behaviours is not going to suit everyone and I believe that having a choice is better than not having a choice.
I've found a Chrome extension (image autosizer) which kind of does what I want but it has quite quirky behaviour and is still not as capable as Firefox once you turn off the auto-resize option in about:config.
As a retired developer I know it's not a big task to NOT call the function to resize a large image to fit the page on loading the image, and it's not a big task to provide a settings option to toggle this behaviour on/off.
I just hope it's an option which eventually gets included š